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Enterprise distribution
This page covers tips to create a consolidated package to be distributed to enterprise-wide development teams.
- Download the Code Composer Studio offline installer version from:
- Get the required version of the SDKs you need. In this exercise both the Tivaware and the BLE Stack will be used:
Install procedure[edit]
1. Extract the Code Composer Studio (CCS) <> file to an arbitrary directory in the PC. Run the installer <ccs_setup_6.1.2.00015.exe>, select the default directory C:\ti and follow the on-screen instructions.
- At the screen Processor support, select the device families necessary for your development environment. In this exercise, for example, both the options 32-bit ARM MCUs and SimpleLink Wireless MCUs need to be selected to support Tiva and CC2650 devices.
- At the screen Select Debug Probes, select the brand of JTAG debugger you are using.
- If using XDS100 and XDS110, leave only TI XDS Debug Probe Support selected
- If using XDS200, XDS510 or XDS560v2 from Spectrum Digital, select also Spectrum Digital Debug Probes and Boards
- If using XDS200 from Blackhawk, select both Spectrum Digital Debug Probes and Boards and Blackhawk Debug Probes
- If using XDS510 or XDS560v2 from Blackhawk, select Blackhawk Debug Probes
- At the end of the install, leave the option Create Desktop Shortcut enabled. This will be needed for the workstation install.
- For additional help and details during install, check section 3 of the Getting Started page below:
2. Install the Tivaware SDK at:
- C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-
3. Install the BLE Stack at:
- C:\ti\simplelink\ble_cc26xx_2_01_01_44627
- This will also install other two components in the following directories:
- C:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_13_00_06
- C:\ti\xdctools_3_31_01_33_core
4. All the components are installed. Proceed to the next section to properly configure CCS and add the SDK components.
Post install procedures[edit]
1. Run CCS by double-clicking on its icon. Use the default workspace.
2. At first time CCS will show a window called Install Discovered Products, which points to two products that are part of the BLE Stack. Simply click on Finish to add these products to CCS. A restart will be needed.
3. To prevent automatic updates from being applied, go to menu Window --> Preferences and type update in the search box. Select Automatic Updates in the tree and uncheck the box Automatically find new updates and notify me.
4. To prevent users from manually updating core CCS components, select Available Software Sites in the tree, click anywhere under the Location and press <Ctrl-A>. Click on the button Disable.
5. Optional: to confirm that all dependencies are installed, type product in the search box and select Products in the tree. At the box Installed products three products should be shown.
6. Click on the button Add and browse to the directory C:\ti\. Click OK. The box Install Discovered Products will be shown. Click on Finish to accept the discovered products.
- IMPORTANT! Occasionally you may experience a security warning about unsigned content. Given some software components were created before this mechanism was in place, this is considered normal. Click OK to continue.
7. After discovering and adding all components from the directory, a dialog box will prompt you to restart CCS. Answer No at this time to add all the other paths.
8. Keep adding the products from the other directories by following steps 5 and 6 above.
9. At this point you should have the paths added to the Product discovery path box. Click OK to save the options.
10. Once again go to menu Window --> Preferences and type compiler in the search box and select Compilers in the tree.
11. Click on the Add button and browse to the location of the compilers of the SDK at C:\ti\.
- IMPORTANT! A warning recommending a restart will be shown. Simply click OK.
12. The last step is to actually install the CSP to your copy of CCS. To do that, go to menu Help --> Install New Software.... In the drop-down box named Work with:, select --All Available sites-- and check one (or more) devices needed. Click the Next button and follow the instructions.
13. At this point CCS is properly configured. Restart CCS and follow the instructions on screen to make sure all products and configurations are properly done. Proceed to the next section to gather additional components necessary to complete the CCS install on every workstation.
Creating the installer ZIP package[edit]
The installation of all the components can be done by simply creating a large .zip file that can be deployed to each workstation. However, the low-level JTAG debugger device drivers are still required to be installed on each workstation.
1. Go to the directory where the file <> was extracted (step 1 of the section Install procedure above) and browse to the following subdirectory:
- INSTALLER_DIR\CCS6.1.2.00015_win32\featurerepo\binary
2. Locate the JTAG debugger installers for the following JTAG debugger products:
- com.ti.emulation.pack.win32_root_6.0.14.5
3. Create a directory C:\ti\emulator and copy these files there. Append the extension .zip to each file.
4. The directory C:\ti is ready to be compressed for deployment. Compress it using absolute paths, to be sure everything is properly located when deploying.
- TIP: in general compression methods other than ZIP handle larger files with more robustness (7z, RAR, etc.). Preliminary tests gave .7z the edge, with 1.1GB file size compared to 1.7GB for .rar and 2.4GB for .zip.
IMPORTANT! Before installing this package, make sure the directory C:\ti is completely erased to avoid clashing of components.
1. Extract the compressed package to the C:\ on the workstation.
2. Browse to the directory C:\ti\emulation and run each of the JTAG debug installer. In order to do that, double-click on each .zip file and locate the .exe installer inside it. Right click on the .exe and select Open to install each installer.
3. To install XDS100 device drivers, browse to the directory below and run the <install.bat> script.
- C:\ti\ccsv6\ccs_base\emulation\drivers\ftdi_drivers
4. Browse to the directory C:\ti and copy the CCS shortcut to the Desktop.
5. That concludes the installation procedure. Please check the next section to learn about the limitations of this method.
The workstations where the software is installed by this procedure will have the following limitations:
- CCS Desktop shortcut has to be manually created (shown in the procedure above)
- Start menu shortcuts are not created
- CCS and the SDKs will not appear in Windows add/remove programs
- OPTIONAL: The Resource Explorer inside CCS uses files in the user’s home directory put there during the install. The behaviour is unpredictable in the absence of this directory.
- C:\Users\user\ti\CCSExternalReferences
- OPTIONAL: Probably not necessary, but it might be a good idea to wipe out the targetdb cache before the copy
- %LOCALAPPDATA%\Texas Instruments\CCS