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EZSDK Memory Map

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Memory Map in the current EZSDK (version 5.02 onwards)[edit]

This document explains the memory map (memory layout) used in EZSDK.

The total system memory is divided across various processors/subsystems. Following are the broad categories of usage:

  1. Linux Memory - One or more memory partitions are given to the Linux kernel memory manager.
  2. CMEM - Contiguous physical memory used by C6accel to create buffers. These buffers are passed to the DSP.
  3. Shared Region (Host Configured at Load Time) - Memory used for creating shared regions that are dynamically configured from host ARM at the firmware load time. However, the default shared region (Id 0) is currently not configurable from host processor.
  4. Slave Local Heap (Host Configured at Load Time) - Memory used for creating local heaps on slave processors that are dynamically configured from host at the firmware load time. BIOS system heap is currently not configurable from host.
  5. Slave Executable - One or more memory segments used to place code and data sections in an executable. These segements are defined in XDC configuration files as explained later.
  6. Memory Configuration - This memory is reserved for passing memory and other system information between host and slave processors.

The following table shows the default memory map for a system that has 1 GB of system memory.

Category Memory Segment Name Length Start Address Usage
Linux Memory LINUX_MEM_1 364 MB 0x80000000 First memory segment given to Linux Memory Manager in Kernel
CMEM (C6Accel) CMEM 20 MB 0x96C00000 Contiguous memory segment used by C6accel
Slave Local Heap (DSP) DSP_ALG_HEAP 20 MB 0x98000000 Used for allocating memory for DSP algorithms
Shared Region IPC_SR_HOST_DSP 1 MB 0x99400000 Shared Region between Host and DSP
Slave Executable (DSP) DSP_DATA 12 MB 0x99500000 DSP Executable data (bss, const etc.)
DSP_CODE 0 MB 0x9A100000 DSP Executable text (may not be used by all DSP applications.
Shared Region IPC_SR_MC_HDVICP2_HDVPSS (IPC_SR_VIDEO_M3_VPSS_M3) 1 MB 0x9A100000 Internal Shared Region between Media Controllers MC-HDVICP2 and MC-HDVPSS
Slave Local Heap (MC_HDVPSS) MC_HDVPSS_INT_HEAP_CACHED (VPSS_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED) 27 MB 0x9A200000 MC-HDVPSS local heap in the cached region, used for allocating internal buffers
Slave Local Heap (MC_HDVICP2) MC_HDVICP2_INT_HEAP_CACHED (VIDEO_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED) 32 MB 0x9BD00000 MC-HDVICP2 local heap in the cached region, used for codec memory allocation
Reserved - MC-HDVICP2 Firmware --- 7 MB 0x9DD00000 Media Controller HDVICP2 Executable Code and data
UIA/Logger SM buffer LOGGER_SM 2 MB 0x9E400000 UIA/Logger buffer
Reserved - MC-HDVPSS Firmware --- 17 MB 0x9E600000 Media Controller HDVPSS Executable Code and data
Shared Region IPC_SR_COMMON 2 MB 0x9F700000 Default Shared Region between Host, DSP, MC-HDVICP2 and MC-HDVPSS
Unused Hole Unused 3 MB 0x9F900000 Unused memory, this can not be assigned to Linux, as linux needs to start at 4MB boundary
Linux Memory LINUX_MEM_2 320 MB 0x9FC00000 Second memory segment given to Linux Memory Manager in Kernel
Shared Region IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS 188 MB 0xB3D00000 Shared Region between Host and MC-HDVICP2 and MC-HDVPSS, used to allocate all video buffers
Reserved - MC-HDVPSS Firmware MC_HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM (HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM) 2 MB 0xBF900000 Used for IPC between Host and MC-HDVPSS. This is in non-cached memory region.
MC_HDVPSS_V4L2_FBDEF_MEM (HDVPSS_V4L2_FBDEF_MEM) 2 MB 0xBFB00000 Used by V4L2 and Fbdev drivers. This is in non-cached memory region.
MC_HDVPSS_DESC (HDVPSS_DESC) 2 MB 0xBFD00000 Used by HDVPSS driver data structures. This is in non-cached memory region.
Reserved for Memory Configuration MEMCFG_SPACE 1 MB 0xBFF00000 Reserved. Used by firmware loader.
Color Code
Linux Memory
Memory used for regions that can be adjusted without rebuilding Media Controller executable.
Memory Reserved for Media Controller Executables
  1. Shared Region IPC_SR_COMMON is statically configured within all slave executables.
  2. SysBios System Heap is statically configured within each slave executable and the memory is allocated in the bss section.

H/W and S/W Limitations To Consider For Deciding Memory Map[edit]

  1. Hardware Limitations
    1. Media Controller cannot access any program memory above 0xA0000000.
    2. Media Controller cannot access any data memory above 0xE0000000.
    3. AMMU in Media Controller handles large memory segments of size 512MB/32MB only and there can be 4 such segments. As one 512MB address range is used to access memory mapped registers, only 3 regions can be used to access DDR.
  2. Software Limitations
    1. Default build of Linux handles memory of size 768MB. Configure different memory split for kernel/user memory split, or use HIGHMEM support to allocate more memory to Linux.
    2. Many memory sections are still statically defined within Media Controller firmwares and DSP executables.
      1. Default Shared Region (IPC_SR_COMMON) is statically defined in Media Controller firmware and DSP executables. Changing address or size of this requires changes in multiple places.
      2. Following are statically defined in Media Controller firmwares. These have to be placed in non-cached region.
        1. MC-HDVPSS hardware descriptors (MC_HDVPSS_DESC)
        2. Shared Memory for Fbdev (MC_HDVPSS_V4L2_FBDEF_MEM )
        3. Shared Memory used for IPC between HOST and MC-HDVPSS firmware (MC_HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM)
        4. SysBIOS System Heaps are statically defined within Media Controller firmwares and DSP executables.
      3. UIA/Log buffers are statically defined within Media Controller firmwares and DSP executables.
      4. Though Frame Buffers are accessed only by Hardware accelerators, still this memory section needs to be configured in the AMMU as Media Controller core still access frame buffer regions for the below reasons.
        1. OMX embeddeds Meta information about Frame at the end of frame buffer
        2. Shared Region modules embeds meta information in Frame Buffer regions.

Memory Configuration Flow[edit]

EZSDK DynamicallyConfigurationMemorySectionConfigurationFlow.png

Firmware loader load the Dynamically configurable Memory Section info from firmware_loader/src/memsegdef_default.c to MEMCFG_SPACE before loading slave binaries.

During bootup of Video-M3 and VPSS-M3, they read the dynamically memory section info from MEMCFG_SPACE and creates the Local Heaps and Shared regions. This method is not yet integrated to DSP and A8 side of applications, DSP and A8 reads the dynamically configurable memory section info from ti/omx/memcfg/memtbl_cfg.h

Finding Memory Usage Statistics For Local Heaps and Shared Regions[edit]

You can use 'sys_top' Linux utility to find out memory usage statistics

% sys_top

Sys top output.PNG

Configuring Slave Processor Heaps and Shared Regions From Host ARM[edit]

Local heaps on the slave processors and heaps in the shared regions can be made configurable from Linux at the time of loading of slave executable. Information about the memory segments for these heaps are provided to the firmware loader. Currently, this information is provided in the file memsegdef.c as a table. Each entry of the table is defined by the type LDR_Memseg and it can be found in the header file ldr_memseg.h.

Following fields of the structure LDR_Memseg are used:

  • name : Name of the memory segment
  • size : Size of the segment in bytes
  • seg_type : Type of the memory segment. LDR_SEGMENT_TYPE_DYMANMIC_LOACL_HEAP and LDR_SEGMENT_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SHARED_HEAP are used.
  • system_addr : System address of the segment.
  • slave_virtual_addr : Virtual address used by slave. Currently, it is same as system_addr.
  • master_core_id : Core id for the processor that owns it.
  • core_id_mask : Specifies set of core id masks for which the segment is valid
  • shared_region_id : Shared Region Id, when used across multiple cores

In this release, following segments are configurable by the firmware loader.


Modifying Memory Map[edit]

Linux Kernel Memory[edit]

Linux size is passed though the mem parameter in the bootargs environment variable, base address is always <LINUX_MEM_1> -
 % setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO2,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<nfs-server-ip>:<path-to-nfs-share>,nolock rw mem=<size of LINUX_MEM_1>@<addr of LINUX_MEM_1> mem=<size of LINUX_MEM_2>@<addr of LINUX_MEM_2>'

For 1GB default memory map,

 % setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO2,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<nfs-server-ip>:<path-to-nfs-share>,nolock rw mem=364M'

The second partition can be added to linux mem=320M@0x9FC00000 Ex: mem=364M mem=320M@0x9FC00000

When the 2 partition is set it throws below error while running EZSDK. "vmap allocation for size 197136384 failed: use vmalloc=500M to increase size."

To solve this rebuild the kernel with HIGHMEM support enabled. This can be enabled by menuconfig->Kernel Features->HIGH Memory Support. Please note Linux partiton memory needs to start and end at 4MB boundary.

For quick check you can pass vmalloc=500M to bootargs, but note that the actual physical memory which can be managed by Linux would less that what is passed via mem= bootargs.

Linux Notify Module Memory[edit]

The memory for kernel Notify module is specified through Linux bootargs. This address also used in the MC-HDVPSS firmware.
  • notifyk.vpssm3_sva=<addr of MC_HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM>

FbDev Memory[edit]

Fbdev memory address is specified through the sbufaddr parameter.
  • insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=<addr of MC_HDVPSS_V4L2_FBDEF_MEM>

CMEM memory[edit]

CMEM memory address and size (used by DSP) are passed as module install arguments as shown below
  • insmod cmemk.ko phys_start=<addr of CMEM> phys_end=<addr of next segment> pools=20x4096

Heaps and Shared Regions Configured at Load Time[edit]

To change memory for heaps and shared regions at load time,
  1. Modify appropriate file with new memory map in $(EZSDK_INSTALL_DIR)/board-support/media-controller-utils_2_02_00_08/src/mm_host_util
    1. Ex: memsegdef_dm81xxbm.c
  2. Rebuild the mm_host_util, this is the host side utility
  3. Run the utility to generate .bin file which needs to be fed to firmware loader as input file
    1. Ex: mm_dm81xxbm.bin file gets generated.
  4. While loading the firmware pass the above generated .bin file in the command line argument
    1. Ex: ./firmware_loader 1 dm816x_hdvicp.xem3 start mm_dm81xxbm.bin
    2. Ex: ./firmware_loader 2 dm816x_hdvpss.xem3 start mm_dm81xxbm.bin
Note: if the .bin file not passed in the firmware command line, then the default memory map is used as per the memory map defined in file $(EZSDK_INSTALL_DIR)/board-support/media-controller-utils_2_02_00_08/src/firmware_loader/memsegdef_default.c

MC-HDVICP2 & MC-HDVPSS firmwares[edit]

These are provided as binaries.

DSP for OMX[edit]

  1. It uses the same memory segment definition file $(EZSDK_INSTALL_DIR)/component-sources/omx_05_02_00_09/packages/ti/omx/build/MemSegmentDefinition.xs.
  2. DSP build also uses Shared Region information from file $(EZSDK_INSTALL_DIR)/component-sources/omx_05_02_00_09/packages/ti/omx/memcfg/memtbl_cfg.h through below defines, Ensure that these information matches the mem cfg defined in mm_host_util. This dependency will be removed in the patch release .
  3. Rebuild DSP side OMX library & application.

Linux applications for OMX[edit]

  1. Linux side app uses Shared Region information address & size from file as mentioned in the "DSP for OMX" sections. The same file is used in Linux side. This dependency will be removed in the patch release .
  2. Rebuild Linux side OMX libraries & application

DSP C6accel Application[edit]

  1. Modify the memory segments in file $(C6ACCEL_INSTALL_DIR)/soc/packages/ti/c6accel_unitservers/TI816X/serverplatforms.xs
  2. Rebuild DSP executable binary.

Excel File To Calculate Memory Map[edit]

Use the Excel file to define memory map

Changing Memory Map For 512MB DM816x Board[edit]

Following are the list of changes required for 512 MB memory map in DM816x board

Step 1: Update LISA Registers[edit]

In the default uboot program ( in file $(EZSDK_ROOT)/board-support/u-boot-<REL-TAG>/board/<ti8168 or ti8148>/ti/evm.c), 2GB physical memory is mapped using register 3 and 4. Register 1 and 2 are unused.
  • System Address 0x80000000 is mapped to physical address 0x00000000
  • System Address 0xC0000000 is mapped to physical address 0x20000000

LISA Mapping 2GB.PNG

Following code programs the LISA registers for 2GB physical memory (default configuration).
/* Program the DMM to for 2 GB (interleaved) configuration */
__raw_writel(0x0, DMM_LISA_MAP__0); /* Register 0 is unused */
__raw_writel(0x0, DMM_LISA_MAP__1); /* Register 1 is unused */
__raw_writel(0x80640300, DMM_LISA_MAP__2); /* Register 2 maps 0x80000000 to 0x00000000, length 1GB */
__raw_writel(0xC0640320, DMM_LISA_MAP__3); /* Register 3 maps 0xC0000000 to 0x20000000, length 1GB */
For a 512MB system, we create 2 system address spaces of length 512MB and map to the same physical memory. On Media Controllers, the first address range is used to access DDR with cache enabled and the second address is used to access the same DDR with cache disabled.
  • System Address 0x80000000 is mapped to physical address 0x00000000
  • System Address 0xA0000000 is mapped to physical address 0x00000000

LISA Mapping 512MB.PNG

Following code programs the LISA registers for 512MB physical memory.
/* Program the DMM to for 512MB (interleaved) configuration */
__raw_writel(0x0, DMM_LISA_MAP__0); /* Register 0 is unused */
__raw_writel(0x0, DMM_LISA_MAP__1); /* Register 1 is unused */
__raw_writel(0x80540300, DMM_LISA_MAP__2); /* Register 2 maps 0x80000000 to 0x00000000, length 512MB */
__raw_writel(0xA0540300, DMM_LISA_MAP__3); /* Register 3 maps 0xA0000000 to 0x00000000, length 512MB */
Note: For DM814X device ensure to update the while instructions immediately after the above lines in the file to reflect the same settings.

Step 2: Update Memory Map[edit]

In a 512MB system, Linux memory manager is given only one memory segment of reduced size and the Shared Region for video buffers is shifted to a different place to fit within 512MB. Changes can be found in the first two entries in the following table.

Step 2.1: Change Linux Memory size[edit]

Change Linux memory sizeto 176 MB starting at 0x80000000

Step 2.2: Change Location of Video Frame Buffers[edit]

Change location of IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS to 0xAB000000. This change needs to be done in the firmware loader input file as explained earlier.

Step 2.3: Update memory map for DSP[edit]

Follow the steps mentioned in section EZSDK_Memory_Map#DSP_for_OMX.

Step 2.4: Update memory map for Linux side app[edit]

Follow the steps mentioned in section EZSDK_Memory_Map#Linux_applications_for_OMX.

Changing Memory Map For 512MB DM814x Board[edit]

Following are the list of changes required for 512 MB memory map in DM814x version 2.1 board

Step 1: Update LISA Registers[edit]

Update the macros PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__2 and PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__3 in ddr_defs_ti814x.h ($(EZSDK_ROOT)/board-support/u-boot-<REL-TAG>/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-ti81xx)

Default values

#define PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__2 0x0
#define PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__3 0x80640300

Modified values for 512 MB

#define PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__2 0x80540300
#define PG2_1_DMM_LISA_MAP__3 0xA0540300

Re-build the u-boot with the new changes. Copy the generated u-boot.bin and MLO and use them to boot the board

LISA Mapping 512MB.PNG

Step 2: Update Memory Map[edit]

In a 512MB system, Linux memory manager is given only one memory segment of reduced size and the Shared Region for video buffers is shifted to a different place to fit within 512MB. Changes can be found in the first two entries in the following table.

Step 2.1: Change Linux Memory size[edit]

Change Linux memory size to 176 MB . This can be done by setting the MEM to 176M in bootargs

Step 2.2: Change Location of Video Frame Buffers[edit]

Change location of IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS to 0xAB000000. This change needs to be done in the firmware loader input file. Update the system_addr and slave_virtual_addr values for IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS from 0xB3D00000 to 0xAB000000 in the source memsegdef_default.c ($(EZSDK_ROOT)/board-support/media-controller-utils_<REL-TAG>/src/firmware_loader). Rebuild the firmware loader and copy the generated firmware loader in the target filesystem ($(EZSDK_ROOT)/filesys/usr/bin)

Step 2.3: Update memory map for DSP[edit]

Follow the steps mentioned in section EZSDK_Memory_Map#DSP_for_OMX.

Step 2.4: Update memory map for Linux side app[edit]

Modify the macro MEMCFG_SRBASE2 in memtbl_cfg.h ($(EZSDK_ROOT)/component-sources/omx_<REL-TAG>/src/ti/omx/memcfg) from 0xB3D00000 to 0xAB000000. Rebuilt the OMX samples.

Memory segment Name Length System Address in Region Starting at 0x80000000 System Address in Region Starting at 0xA0000000
LINUX_MEM_1 176 MB 0x80000000 0xA0000000 (not to be accessed)
IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS 188 MB 0x8B000000 (not to be accessed) 0xAB000000
CMEM 20 MB 0x96C00000 0xB6C00000 (not to be accessed)
DSP_ALG_HEAP 20 MB 0x98000000
IPC_SR_HOST_DSP 1 MB 0x99400000
DSP_DATA 12 MB 0x99500000
DSP_CODE 0 MB 0x9A100000
Reserved - HDVICP2 Media Controller Firmware 15 MB 0x9D500000
LOGGER_SM 2 MB 0x9E400000
Reserved - HDVPSS Media Controller Firmware 17 MB 0x9E600000
IPC_SR_COMMON 2 MB 0x9F700000
MC_HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM (HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM) 2 MB 0x9F900000 (not to be accessed) 0xBF900000

Changing Memory map for 256MB board[edit]

Follow the steps mentioned in section EZSDK_Memory_Map#Want_to_change_memory_map_of_Firmware to change memory map

Below is the example memory map for 256MB

Memory segment Name Length System Address in Region Starting at 0x80000000 System Address in Region Starting at 0xA0000000
LINUX_MEM_1 145 MB 0x80000000 0xA0000000 (not to be accessed)
IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS 16 MB 0x89100000 (not to be accessed) 0xA9100000
CMEM 0 MB 0x8A100000 0xAA100000 (not to be accessed)
DSP_ALG_HEAP 0 MB 0x8A100000
IPC_SR_HOST_DSP 0 MB 0x8A100000
DSP_DATA 0 MB 0x8A100000
DSP_CODE 0 MB 0x8A100000
Reserved - HDVICP2 Media Controller Firmware 15 MB 0x8D500000
LOGGER_SM 2 MB 0x8E400000
Reserved - HDVPSS Media Controller Firmware 17 MB 0x8E600000
IPC_SR_COMMON 2 MB 0x8F700000
MC_HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM (HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM) 2 MB 0x8F900000 (not to be accessed) 0xAF900000

Want to change memory map of Firmware[edit]

With NDA signed it is possible to get complete source to the Media Controller firmwares

In this case it is also possible to change memory map for reserved memroy sections also

To do this ensure follow below steps


Update the MemSegmentDefinition.xs file as per your new memory map


Update the below macro in file ldrmemcfg\ldr_memseg.h, this reflects the memory section MEMCFG_SPACE
#define LDR_CONFIG_ADDR_BASE           (0xBFF00000) 


Rebuild Media controller firmwares


Follow steps mentioned in earlier sections to rebuild firmware loader, DSP & Linux images for the new memory map, Changes here needs to match the memory map defined in MemSegmentDefinition.xs file mentioned in step1


Now app can be run with the new memory map.

Memory Section Legacy names & New name[edit]

Sr Id Legacy Name New Name Comment
4. PRIVATE_CORE0_DATA VIDEO_M3_DATA The new section VIDEO_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED also forked from this section
6. PRIVATE_CORE1_DATA VPSS_M3_DATA The new section VIDEO_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED also forked from this section
7. SHARED_CTRL_DUCATI_ONLY_ACCESS IPC_SR_VIDEO_M3_VPSS_M3 Dynamically configurable from firmware_loader
8. SHARED_DATA removed
12. not exists HDVPSS_NOTIFY_MEM With the usage of Notify in kernel this needs to be defined.
13. LOGGERSM Remain Same
14. FQMEM_BUFFERS_NON_CACHED IPC_SR_FRAME_BUFFERS Dynamically configurable from firmware_loader
15. Not exists MEMCFG_SPACE Region to pass dynamically configurable memory section info to slaves from firmware_loader.
16. Not Exists VIDEO_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED Refer memory section PRIVATE_CORE0_DATA
15. Not Exists VIDEO_M3_INT_HEAP_CACHED Refer memory section PRIVATE_CORE1_DATA

Additional References[edit]

  1. Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager

Download the Latest EZSDK[edit]

The latest EZSDK is available for download from

The current version is The supported platforms are DM816x and DM814x.

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