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DM816X AM389X VPSS Video Driver User Guide PSP

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Video Driver


Read This First [edit]

This section show the major updates since last release, please review this section before any SW activities.

  • The default sharing buffer address is changed to 0x8DE00000. For all TI816X platform user, please use
insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xB2C00000
  • The following sysfs entries have been changed:
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/hdmi   -> /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/dvo2   -> /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/sdvenc -> /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/hdcomp -> /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3
  • The following read only sysfs entries have been added:
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/name  -> hdmi
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/name  -> dvo2
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/name  -> sd
/sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/name  -> hdcomp
  • The following sysfs entries have been added to reshuffle display order:
  • The following sysfs entries have been added to support customized timing configuration


Video Processing Sub-System hardware integrates theee graphics pipeline, five video pipelines, two capture ports and 4 video compositors. Video compositors are connected to four VENCs to support various output format and mode.

The primary functionality of the VPSS driver is to provide interfaces to user level applications and management of Video Processing Sub-System hardware.

This section defines and describes the usage of user level interfaces of VPSS Driver.


  1. Video for Linux Two Home Page []
  2. Video for Linux Two API Specification [[]

Acronyms & Definitions[edit]

Display Driver: Acronyms
Acronym Definition
V4L2 Video for Linux Two
VPSS Video Processing Sub System
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
HDCOMP High Definition Component
DVO Digital Video Output
HDCOMP High Definition Compositor
VENC Video Encoder
NTSC National Television System Committee
PAL Phase Alternating Line
SD Standard Definition
SDK Software Development Kit

Display Port and VENC name
Display Port Name Type VENC Name Port Num for Pin Sysfs Name
HDMI/DVO1 Digital HDMI VOUT1 Display0
DVO2 Digital DVO2 VOUT0 Display1
SD Analog SD N/A Display2
HDCOMP Analog HDCOMP N/A Display3

Hardware Overview[edit]

The video processing subsystem provides the functions to display a video frame from the memory frame buffer to external display device, such as LCD,TV; or capture a video frame from external camera to memory. The video processing subsystem integrates the following main elements

  • Graphics processing modules
  • Video Capture processing modules
  • Video display processing modules
  • Video Compositor modules


The VPSS driver supports the following features:

  • Supports 3 Graphics pipelines throught fbdev interface
  • Supported color formats on Graphics pipeline: RGB565, ARGB1555, RGBA5551, ARGB4444, RGBA4444, ARGB6666,RGBA6666,RGB888, ARGB8888 and RGBA8888, BMP 1/2/4/8.
  • Configuration of Graphics parameters such as height and width of display graphics, position of the display graphics, bits-per-pixel etc.
  • Supports setting up of Graphics pipeline and VENCs destination(HDMI, HDCOMP, DVO2 or SD) through syfs interface.
  • Supports buffer management through memory mapped (mmaped).
  • Supports global alpha blending on RGB format, pixel alpha blending on ARGB/RGBA format and palette alpha blending on BMP formats.
  • Supports colorkeying on graphics pipelines through FBDev.
  • Supports boundbox on graphcis pipelines through FBDev
  • Supports display priority on graphics pipelines through FBDev
  • Supports scaling on graphics pipeline through FBDev
  • Supports stenciling on graphics pipeline through FBDev
  • Supports 1080p-60/1080p-50/1080P-30/1080I-60/1080I-50/720P-60/720P-50 on HDMI/HDCOMP VENCs through sysfs
  • Support various Video PLL frequency through sysfs
  • Support various VENC clock source through sysfs
  • Support various output for VENC through sysfs.
  • Support reshuffle display order through sysfs
  • Support customized timing for VENC through sysfs


This chapter describes the Driver Architecture and Design concepts

Driver Architecture[edit]

TI81XX Video Processing hardware integrates three graphics pipeline, five video pipelines, 2 capture ports and 4 video compositors. Video compositors are connected to four VENCs to support various output format and mode.

The primary functionality of the VPSS driver is to provide interfaces to user level applications and management to video processing subsystem hardware.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • GUI rendering through the graphics pipeline.
  • Connecting each of three graphics pipelines to four compositors so the display layer is presented on the selected output path.

Video Processing Subsystem Architecture

Software Design Interfaces[edit]

Above figure (Video Processing Subsystem Architecture) shows the major components that makes up the VPSS software sub-system

  • M3 VPSS Firmware

This is a firmware running over processor Cotex M3 controlling the Video Processing subsystem hardware.

  • Syslink Library

This is a funcional layer controlling the inter-processor communction between Cotex A8 and Cotex M3.

  • VPSS FVID2 Library

This is a HAL/functional layer controlling the Firmware running over the M3. It exposes the number of APIs controlling the video compositors, VENCs, graphics/video pipelines to the user interface drivers like V4L2 and FBDEV. It translates the V4L2/Fbdev data structures and ioctl to FVID2 data structures and command, and call the Linux Syslink IPC notify function to pass FVID2 data structures and commands to Firmware running over the M3 processor.

  • SYSFS interfaces

The SYSFS interfaces are mostly used as the control path for configuring the VPSS parameters which are common between FBDEV and V4L2 like the venc modes etc. It is also used for switching the output of the pipeline to different video compositors.

  • Frame Buffer Driver

This driver is registered with the FBDEV subsystem, and is responsible for managing the graphics layer frame buffer. Driver creates /dev/fb0, /dev/fb1 and /dev/fb2 as the device nodes. Application can open these device nodes to open the driver and negotiate parameters with the driver through frame buffer ioctls. Application maps driver allocated buffers in the application memory space and fills them for the driver to display.

  • Video Applications & V4L2 subsystem

Video applications (camera, camcorder, image viewer, etc.) use the standard V4L2 APIs to render static images and video to the video layers, or capture/preview camera images.


Opening and Closing of Driver[edit]

The device can be opened using open call from the application, with the device name and mode of operation as parameters. Application can open the driver only in blocking mode. Non-blocking mode of open is not supported.

  • FBDEV Driver

The driver will expose three software channels (/dev/fb0, /dev/fb1, /dev/fb2) for the graphics pipeline.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> /* Open a graphics Display logical channel in blocking mode */ fd = open ("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) {

   perror("failed to open display device\n");
   return -1;


/* ... */

/* Closing of channels */ close (fd); </syntaxhighlight>

Command Line arguments[edit]

Command Line Arguments
Argument Description
vram Total framebuffer memory reserverd for the Fbdev driver

Following example shows how to specify total framebuffer size as boot time argument

setenv bootargs console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=128M noinitrd root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=nfs-server/home,nolock ip=dhcp vram=50M

FBDEV Driver[edit]

FBDEV driver supports set of command line argument for size of vram and debug option. These command line arguments can only be used as module arguments since FBDEV driver only supports module build.

Below is the list of arguments which Fbdev driver supports -

Fbdev Driver Command Line Arguments
Argument Description
vram VRAM allocated memory for a framebuffer, user can individually configure VRAM buffers for each plane/device node
debug Enable Fbdev driver debug messaging

Following example shows how to specify size of framebuffer in module argument:

$ insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:16M,1:16M,2:6M

Following example shows how to enable debug of Fbdev in module argument:

$ insmod ti81xxfb.ko debug=1

VPSS Driver[edit]

VPSS driver supports set of command line argument. These command line arguments can only be used as module arguments since VPSS driver only supports module build.

Below is the list of arguments which VPSS driver supports -

VPSS Driver Command Line Arguments
Argument Description
clksrc clock source for hdmi/dvo2/hdcomp VENC. By default, hdmi and dvo2 VENC share the d clock input while hdcomp uses the a clock input.


debug Enable VPSS Driver debug messaging
mode Default video mode(1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/720p-60/ntsc/pal) for specified VENC(hdmi, hdcomp,dvo2,sd)

if mode is not assigned during the boot time, driver uses the following mode: hdmi: 1080p-60, hdcomp: 1080i-60, dvo2:1080p-60, sd:ntsc

tiedvencs OR value of the VENCs(1:hdmi venc, 2:hdcomp venc, 4:dvo2 venc, 8:sd venc)
sbufaddr Physical DDR address of the sharing buffer between Processor A8 and M3. This sharing buffer is used as payload to store FVID2 structurs communicated bewteen A8 and M3. The buffer must be non-cacheable DDR from Ducati side and should not be accessed by any other software components.

This buffer should be predefined in the M3 Fimrware.

sbufsize Size of the sharing buffer between processor A8 and M3.
timeout timeout value(ms) to be set in driver to determine how long driver should wait the response from M3. If it is set to zero, driver waits infinitely. By default, this is set to 2000 ms

NOTE: In TI81xx Hardware platform, there are two independent HD clock sources(d clock and a clock) with three HD VENCs. Therefore two of three VENCs must share the same clock source. The argument of clksrc is designed to achieve this function.

Following example shows how to specify HDMI VENC mode as module argument:

$ insmod vpss.ko mode=hdmi:1080p-60

Following example shows how to tie hdmi(1) venc and dvo2(4) venc together as module argument:

  • NOTE: Application should make sure the tied vencs have the same timing. VPSS driver does not check for this.
$ insmod vpss.ko tiedvencs=5

Following example shows how to set up the sharing buffer address

  • NOTE: If sbufaddr is not set, driver sets buffer base address to 0x8DE00000 . If this release is used on the DM816X Platform, it is responsibility of the application to set sbufaddr=0xB2C00000 when inserting the modules.
Sharing buffer Address
Platform VPSS-M3 Firmware Default Value
DM816X ti816x_hdvpss.xme3 0xB2C00000
C6A816X c6a816x_hdvpss.xem3 0x8DE00000
$insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xB2C00000

Following example shows how to set up the sharing buffer size. This size can not be over 2MB.

  • NOTE: If sbufsize is not set, driver sets buffer size equal to 2MB.
$insmod vpss.ko sbufsize=1024K

File:Vpss venc clksrc.png
Video Processing Subsystem VENC Clock Source

Below is the list of arguments of clksrc supports

VPSS Driver Clock Source Arguments
Argument Description
dclk clk1x/dvo1_clk/dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd uses hd_venc_d_clk as clock source
dclkdiv2 clk1x/dvo1_clk/dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd used hd_venc_d_clk/2 as clock source
dclkdiff clk1x uses hd_venc_d_clk/2 as clocksource, while dvo1_clk/dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd used hd_venc_d_clk as clock source
aclk clk1x/dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd uses hd_venc_a_clk as clock source
aclkdiv2 clk1x/dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd uses hd_venc_a_clk/2 as clock source
aclkdiff clk1x uses hd_vencc_a_clk/2 as clock source while dvo2_clk/vbi_clk_hd uses hd_venc_a_clk as clock source

Following example show how to choose a clock as the source clock of DVO2 VENC.

$ insmod vpss.ko clksrc=dvo2:aclk

Following example show how to enable debug of VPSS driver

$ insmod vpss.ko debug=1

Buffer Management[edit]

Memory requirement for V4L2 and FBDEV driver
Driver FB0 FB1 FB2
Fbdev Driver A single buffer of size 1920*1080*4*2 bytes, can be changed through bootargs 0 bytes if app does not assign size for this node through bootargs 0 bytes if app does not assign size for this node through bootargs

  • FBDEV Driver

FBDEV driver supports only memory mapped buffers. Driver allocates one physically contiguous buffers for each node, which can support up to 1920x1080 resolution 32 bpp format. By default, driver only allocates the memory for FB0(dev/fb0) node. Application need set the memory size if accessing /dev/fb1 and /dev/fb2 when loading FBDev modules.

Set Frame Buffer size for FB Nodes

$ insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:XXM,1:YYM,2:ZZM

Following steps are required to map buffers in application memory space.

Getting fix screen information
FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO ioctl is used to get the not-changing screen information like physical address of the buffer, size of the buffer, line length.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> /* Getting fix screen information */ struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;

ret = ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix); if (ret < 0) {



printf("Line length = %d\n", fix.line_length); printf("Physical Address = %x\n", fix.smem_start); printf("Buffer Length = %d\n", fix.smem_len); </syntaxhighlight>

Getting Variable screen information

FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO ioctl is used to get the variable screen information like resolution, bits per pixel etc...
<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> /* Getting fix screen information */ struct fb_var_screeninfo var;

if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0) {



printf("Resolution = %dx%d\n", var.xred, var.yres); printf("bites per pixel = %d\n", var.bpp); </syntaxhighlight>

Mapping Kernel space address to user space
Mapping the kernel buffer to the user space can be done via mmap system call. <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> /* addr hold the user space address */ unsigned int addr, buffersize;

/* Get the fix screen info */

/* Get the variable screen information */

buffersize = fix.line_length * var.yres; addr = mmap(NULL, buffersize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); </syntaxhighlight>

Transparency Keying[edit]

The encoded pixel color value is compared to the application defined transparency color key(RGB888) based the LSB bits mask set by the application to determine whether the pixel is to be transparent or not. There are four types of the bit mask offered by the hardware: No Masking, whole pixel color value is compared to the transparency color key; Mask[0]: MSB[7:1] of the encoded pixel color value is compared to the corresponding 7 bits of transparency color key; MASK[1:0]: MSB[7:2] of the encoded pixel color value is compared to the corresponding bits of transparency color key; MAKS[2:0]: MSB[7:3] of the encoded pixel color value is compared to the corresponding bits of transparency color key.

User can enable/disable color key function, set color keying and mask type through Fbdev Driver private IOCTL interface.

  • Using fbdev IOCTL

Enable Transparency Keying:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); }

/* Enable the Transparency Keying */ regp.transen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Disable Transparency Keying:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); }

/* Disable the Transparency Keying */ regp.transen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_DISABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Set Transparency Keying Value(RGB888):

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; u8 key_rgb888; /*RGB888 format*/

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /* Set the Transparency Keying */ regp.transcolor = key_rgb888; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Set Transparency Keying Mask Type:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; struct ti81xxfb_transparancy_type trans_type;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); }

/* Set the Transparency Keying Mask type */ regp.transtype= trans_type; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Alpha Blending[edit]

Alpha blending is a process of blending a foreground color with a background color and producing a new blended color. New blended color depends on the transparency factor referred to as alpha factor of the foreground color. If the alpha factor is 100% then blended image will have only foreground color. If the alpha factor is 0% blended image will have only back ground color. Any value between 0 to 100% will blend the foreground and background color to produce new blended color depending upon the alpha factor.

Alpha blending with almost 50% transparency
Alpha blending with almost 100% transparency
Alpha blending with almost 0% transparency

Graphics pipelines of the VPSS are capable of supporting alpha blending. Three types of alpha blending is supported global, palette and pixel alpha blending. RGB formtas of graphics pipeline support global alpha blending, BMP formats of graphcis pipeline support palette alpha blending, ARGB and RGBA formats of graphics pipeline supports pixel based alpha blending. In which A represent the alpha value for each pixel. Thus, each pixel can have different alpha value. While global alpha is the constant alpha factor for the pipeline for all the pixels.

FBDev IOCTL[edit]

All three kind of blending are support through fbdev driver.

  • Disable alpha blending

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /*Disable Alpha Blending*/ regp.blendtype = TI81XXFB_BLENDING_NO; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

  • Global Alpha blending

User can configure global alpha value either through FBDEV ioctl.

Below programlisting shows how to set the global alpha value for graphics pipeline.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; u8 alpha; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /*Set Global Alpha Blending*/ regp.blendtype = TI81XXFB_BLENDING_GLOBAL; regp.blendalpha = alpha; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

  • Pixel Based Alpha blending

FBDEV driver supports alpha blending through ARGB/RGBA pixel format

Below programlisting shows how to set the pxiel alpha value for graphics pipeline.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /*Set Pixel Alpha Blending*/ regp.blendtype = TI81XXFB_BLENDING_PIXEL; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

  • Palette Based Alpha blending

FBDEV driver supports alpha blending through CLUT data.

Below programlisting shows how to set the palette alpha value for graphics pipeline.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /*Set Palette Alpha Blending*/ regp.blendtype = TI81XXFB_BLENDING_PALETTE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Scaling [edit]

Graphics pipeline supports 0.25x-4x scaling with a step size of 0.01. The scalar has 5tap/8phase polyphase horizontal filter and 4taps/8phase polyphase vertical filter. Meanwhile, When the target display of the graphics pipeline conncted to is in a interlaced scan mode, graphics pipeline could also performs anti-flicker filtering using the including scalar. This can be achieved by seting scaling ratio 1.

Below show hows to enable the scaling feature

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); }

regp.scalaren = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

Below shows how to disable the scaling feature

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } regp.scalaren = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_DISABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

When graphics scalar performs scaling up or down, it could output maximum 2 more lines/pixels than what it is configured. App should consider this into design to not out of the display frame boundary.
TIFB_SET_SCINFO ioctl must be called before enabling the scaling feature. See Section 5.1.3 for details.


Graphics pipeline support a 1-bit for each pixel of a image that has "stenciling" feature enabled. This bit is used to force the alpha value of the pixel to ZERO in order to "mask"-off the pixel(such as transparent).

Below shows how to enable the stenciling feature

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } regp.stencilingen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

Below shows how to disable the stenciling feature

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } regp.stencilingen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_DISABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

TIFB_ALLOC and TIFB_SET_STENC ioctl must be called before enabling the scaling feature. See Section 5.1.3 for details.

Bound Box Blending[edit]

Graphics pipleline supports overwriting alpha values of piels that make up a 1-pixel wide boundary box of a image with a semi-transparnt value(0x80,default) so the flickering around the edges can be minimized.

Below shows how to enable boundbox feature and change the bound box alpha value <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } regp.bbalpha = 0x40; regp.bben = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

Below shows how to disable boundbox feature <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } regp.bben = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_DISABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } </syntaxhighlight>

Buffer Format[edit]

Buffer format describes the pixel format in the image. It also describes the memory organization of each color component within the pixel format. In all buffer formats, blue value is always stored in least significant bits, then green value and then red value. The alpha value stored is up to the RGBA or ARGB format.

FBDEV Driver

Graphics pipeline supports following buffer format: RGB565, ARGB1555, RGBA5551, ARGB4444,RGBA4444, ARGB6666, RGBA6666, RGB888, ARGB8888 and RGBA8888. Moreover graphics pipeline supports 1/2/4/8 BMP format. Buffer format can be changed in FBDEV driver by using bpp, red, green, ,blue and transparency fields of fb_vscreeninfo structure and ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO. Application needs to specify bits per pixel and length and offset of red, green, blue and transparnecy component to let driver know the right pixel format.

Extra care must be taken by the application when dealing with 1/2/4 BMP format. Graphis pipeline support 8 different 1b BMP formats, 4 different 2b BMP formats and 2 different 4b BMP formats. By default, if bits_per_pixel was assigned to 1, TI81XXFB_BMP1_OFF0 format will be used by the driver. if bits_per_pixel was assigned to 2, TI81XXFB_BMP2_OFF0 will be used by the driver. If bits_per_pixel was assigend to 4, TI81XXFB_BMP1_L will be used by the driver. If default value is not meeting application's requirements, please use nonstd filed in the fb_vscreeninfo structure to set the right 1/2/4 BMP format. Do not forget to set nonstd to 0 when switching to different pixel format.

Following example shows how to ARGB666 bits per pixels.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct fb_varscreeninfo var; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0) {


} var.bpp = 24; = = = var.transp.length = 4; var.transp.offset = 18; = 12; = 6; = 0; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0) {


} </syntaxhighlight>

Buffer Formats

RGB565 Data Memory Organization
ARGB1555 Data Memory Organization
ARGB444 Data Memory Organization
RGBA5551 Data Memory Organization
RGBA4444 Data Memory Organization
RGB888 Data Memory Organization
ARGB6666 Data Memory Organization
RGBA6666 Data Memory Organization
ARGB8888 Data Memory Organization
RGBA8888 Data Memory Organization
BPP8 Data Memory Organization
BPP4 LOWER Data Memory Organization
BPP4 UPPER Data Memory Organization
BPP2 OFFSET0 Data Memory Organization
BPP2 OFFSET1 Data Memory Organization
BPP2 OFFSET2 Data Memory Organization
BPP2 OFFSET3 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET0 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET1 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET2 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET3 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET4 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET5 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET6 Data Memory Organization
BPP1 OFFSET7 Data Memory Organization

Display Position of Graphics[edit]

The display position of graphics pipeline is able to changed within the resolution defined by the VENCs which graphics pipiline is connected.

Following example shows how to change display position graphics.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) { perror("TIFB_GET_PARAMS\n");


exit(1); } /*Set the Display position*/ regp.pos_x = 10; regp.pos_y = 20; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {

   perror ("TIFB_SET_PARAMS\n");

} </syntaxhighlight>

Color look table[edit]

The graphics pipeline supports the color look up table. The CLUT mode uses the encoded pixel values from the input image as pointers to index the 32-bit-wide CLUT value: 1-BPP pixels address 2 entries, 2-BPP pixels address 4 entries, 4-BPP pixels address 16 entries, and 8-BPP pixels address 256 entries.

Driver supports 1, 2, 4 and 8 bits per pixel image format using color lookup table. FBIOPUTCMAP and FBIOGETCMAP can be used to set and get the color map table. When CLUT is set, the driver makes the hardware to reload the CLUT.

Following example shows how to change CLUT.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct fb_cmap cmap; unsigned short r[256]={0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF}; unsigned short g[256]={0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF}; unsigned short b[256]={0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00}; unsigned short t[256]={0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; cmap.len = 256; = r; = g; = b; cmap.transp = t; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &cmap)) {


} </syntaxhighlight>

Software Interfaces[edit]

Frame-Buffer Driver Interface[edit]

Application Interface[edit]

open ()
To open a framebuffer device
close ()
To close a framebuffer device
ioctl ()
To send ioctl commands to the framebuffer driver.
mmap ()
To obtain the framebuffer region as mmap'ed area in user space.

Supported Standard IOCTLs[edit]

These I/O controls are used to query and set the so-called variable screen info. This allows an application to query or change the display mode, including the color depth, resolution, timing etc. These I/O controls accept a pointer to a struct fb_var_screeninfo structure. The video mode data supplied in the fb_var_screeninfo struct is translated to values loaded into the display controller registers.

This I/O control can be used by applications to get the fixed properties of the display, e.g. the start address of the framebuffer memory. This I/O control accepts a pointer to a struct fb_fix_screeninfo.

These I/O controls are used to get and set the color-map for the framebuffer. These I/O controls accept a pointer to a struct fb_cmap structure. TI81XX supports 256*32(RGBT) color-map, so the len of the fb_cmap should be 256, or driver returns error.

This I/O control is used to blank or unblank the framebuffer console.

This I/O control is used to put an application to sleep until next vertical sync interval of the display.

Supported Custom IOCTLs[edit]

Ioctl returns the parameters of the current graphics features.

Data Structure: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> enum ti81xxfb_status {



enum ti81xxfb_blending_type {

/*alpha blending disable*/
/* global alpha blending*/
/* PALETTE alpha blending, the alpha value in CLUT is used for blending*/
 /*PIXEL alpha blending, valid for ARGB/RGBA format only, the embedded alpha value is used*/


enum ti81xxfb_transparancy_type {

/*when performing color comparison, no MASK*/
/*MASK the LSB bit0 for each color component*/
/*MASK the LSB bit[1:0] for each color component*/
/*MASK the LSB bit[2:0] for each color component*/


struct ti81xxfb_region_params {

__u16 				ridx;
__u16 				pos_x;
__u16 				pos_y;
__u16 				priority;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		firstregion;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32				lastregion;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		scalaren;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		stencilingen;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32				bben;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		transen;
/*enum ti81xxfb_blending_type*/
__u32				blendtype;
/*enum ti81xxfb_transparancy_type*/
__u32 				transtype;
__u32  			transcolor;
__u8  				bbalpha;
__u8   			blendalpha;
__u8				reserved[2];

}; </syntaxhighlight>

  • NOTE: firstregion and lastregion must be set to 1, these two field are reserved for future usages.

Usage: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



Ioctl set the current graphics features.

Data Structure: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> enum ti81xxfb_status {



enum ti81xxfb_blending_type {

/*alpha blending disable*/
/* global alpha blending*/
/* PALETTE alpha blending, the alpha value in CLUT is used for blending*/
 /*PIXEL alpha blending, valid for ARGB/RGBA format only, the embedded alpha value is used*/


enum ti81xxfb_transparancy_type {

/*when performing color comparison, no MASK*/
/*MASK the LSB bit0 for each color component*/
/*MASK the LSB bit[1:0] for each color component*/
/*MASK the LSB bit[2:0] for each color component*/


struct ti81xxfb_region_params {

__u16 				ridx;
__u16 				pos_x;
__u16 				pos_y;
__u16 				priority;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		firstregion;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32				lastregion;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		scalaren;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		stencilingen;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32				bben;
/*enum ti81xxfb_status*/
__u32		  		transen;
/*enum ti81xxfb_blending_type*/
__u32				blendtype;
/*enum ti81xxfb_transparancy_type*/
__u32 				transtype;
__u32  			transcolor;
__u8  				bbalpha;
__u8   			blendalpha;
__u8				reserved[2];

}; </syntaxhighlight>

  • NOTE: firstregion and lastregion must be set to 1, these two field are reserved for future usages.


  • Enable Global Alpha Blending with alpha value (0x40)

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {


} regp.blendtype = TI81XXFB_BLENDING_GLOBAL; regp.blendalpha = 0x40; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {




  • Enable Transparency without masking, the RGB color key is 0x123456

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {


} regp.transen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; regp.transtype = TI81XXFB_TRANSP_LSPMASK_NO; regp.transcolor = 0x123456; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {




Returns the size and type of the frame buffer

Data Structure: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> enum ti81xxfb_mem_mode {


}; struct ti81xxfb_mem_info {

__u32 size;
__u32  type;

}; </syntaxhighlight>
NOTE: Only TI81XXFB_MEM_NONTILER is supported currently.

Usage: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_mem_info mi; if (ioctl(fb, TIFB_QUERY_MEM, &mi)) {


} </syntaxhighlight>

Allows user to setup the frame buffer memory, like size and type.

Data Structure:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> enum ti81xxfb_mem_mode {


}; struct ti81xxfb_mem_info {

__u32 size;
__u32  type;

}; </syntaxhighlight>
NOTE: Only TI81XXFB_MEM_NONTILER is supported currently.

Usage: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_mem_info mi; if (ioctl(fb, TIFB_QUERY_MEM, &mi)) {



mi.size = <Expected size of buffer> mi.type = <Expected type of buffer> if (ioctl(fb, TIFB_SETUP_MEM, &mi)) {


} </syntaxhighlight>


Allow users to config the scalar ratio

Data Structure:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>

struct ti81xxfb_coeff {


}; </syntaxhighlight> NOTE:
each coefficient is 10 bit wide, so MSB[15:10] will be truncated by the driver.

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams {

__u16                  inwidth;
__u16                  inheight;
__u16                  outwidth;
__u16                  outheight;
struct ti81xxfb_coeff  *coeff

}; </syntaxhighlight> NOTE:

  • If input is scaled either up or down to full screen of the display output format, the outwidth and outheight should be set to VENC output format -2. For example: if display output format is 1280x720, then outwidht is set to 1280 - 2 = 1178, outheight is set to 720 - 2 = 718. If the outwidth and outheight is not following the rule, a distorted image could be obtained.
  • 0.25x-4x scaling is supported for both horizontal and vertical direction.
  • if 1x is selected, hardware performs anti-flicker filtering.
  • If app wants to use preloaded coefficients, please set coeff = NULL.

Usage: scale input image to 2x(horizontal) and 1.5x(vertical) with app's own coefficients <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams scprms; struct ti81xxfb_coeff coeff; struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp;

scprms.inwidth = x; scprms.inheight = y; scprms.outwidth = 2*x; scprms.outheight = 1.5*y, scprms.coeff = &coeff;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_SCINFO, &scprms) < 0) {



if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



regp.scalaren = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp)< 0) {




Usage: scale input image to 2x(horizontal) and 1.5x(vertical) with preloaded coefficients <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams scprms; struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp;

scprms.inwidth = x; scprms.inheight = y; scprms.outwidth = 2 * x; scprms.outheight = 1.5 * y, scprms.coeff = NULL;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_SCINFO, &scprms) < 0) {


} if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



regp.scalaren = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp)< 0) {




Usage: Anti-Flicker Implementation

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams scprms; struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp;

scprms.inwidth = x; scprms.inheight = y; scprms.outwidth = x; scprms.outheight = y, scprms.coeff = NULL;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_SCINFO, &scprms) < 0) {



if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



regp.scalaren = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp)< 0) {




Allow users to get current scalar ratio

Data Structure:

<syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams {

__u16                  inwidth;
__u16                  inheight;
__u16                  outwidth;
__u16                  outheight;
struct ti81xxfb_coeff  *coeff;

}; </syntaxhighlight> NOTE:
coeff is not used when called TIFB_GET_SCINFO ioctl.

Usage: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_scparams scprms; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_SCINFO, &scprms) {


} </syntaxhighlight>

This ioctl is used to allocate a memory from reserved pool and return the physical addres back to app. This memory can be used by the stenciling data buffer.

USAGE: allocate a buffer <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> unsigned long size; unsigned long phy_addr; unsigned long temp;

size = 8*1024; temp = size; if(ioctl(fd, TIFB_ALLOC, &size)) {


} phy_addr = size; </syntaxhighlight>

This ioctl is to free a memory allocated by the TIFB_ALLOC.

USAGE <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> unsigned long phy_addr; void virt_addr; unsigned long size;

munmap(virt_addr, stensize); if (ioctl(fd,TIFB_FREE, &phy_addr)) {

perror(" TIFB_FREE.\n");

} </syntaxhighlight> NOTE:
If the memory is used by the stenciling, please disable stenciling feature before freeing it.

Allow user to config stenciling.

Data Structure: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_stenciling_params {

__u32               pitch;
__u32               paddr;

}; </syntaxhighlight> NOTE:
pitch must be 16 byte alignment.

USAGE: how to enable the stenciling feature <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_stenciling_params stenprms; struct fb_var_screeninfo var; struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; unsigned long size; unsigned long temp;

if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var)) {



stenprms.pitch = var.xres >> 3; if (stenprms.pitch & 0xF)

   stenprms.pitch += 0xF - (stenprms.pitch & 0xF);

size = stenprms.pitch * var.yres;

temp = size; if(ioctl(fd, TIFB_ALLOC, &size)) {



stenprms.paddr = size; size = temp;

virt_addr = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, size, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, stenprms.paddr); if ((int)stenbuf == -1) {

perror("sten MMAP failed.\n");


if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



regp.stencilingen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_ENABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp)< 0) {




USAGE: how to disable the stenciling feature <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct ti81xxfb_stenciling_params stenprms; struct ti81xxfb_region_params regp; unsigned long size;

if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var)) {



stenprms.pitch = var.xres >> 3; if (stenprms.pitch & 0xF)

   stenprms.pitch += 0xF - (stenprms.pitch & 0xF);

size = stenprms.pitch * var.yres;

if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_GET_PARAMS, &regp) < 0) {



regp.stencilingen = TI81XXFB_FEATURE_DISABLE; if (ioctl(fd, TIFB_SET_PARAMS, &regp)< 0) {



munmap(virt_addr, size); if (ioctl(fd,TIFB_FREE, &stenprms.paddr)) {

perror(" Failed to free memory.\n");



OMAPFB Compatible IOCTLS[edit]

TI81XX Fbdev driver also supports the following OMAPFB IOCTLs.

check OMAPFB userguide for the usage

check OMAPFB userguide for the usage

Data Structure: <syntaxhighlight lang='c'> struct omapfb_plane_info { __u32 pos_x; __u32 pos_y; __u8 enabled; __u8 channel_out; __u8 mirror; __u8 reserved1; __u32 out_width; __u32 out_height; __u32 reserved2[12]; }; </syntaxhighlight>

Only pos_x/pos_y/enabled/out_width/out_height are valid for this ioctl. pos_x/pos_y change the display starting location. enabled bit enable/disable the corresponding graphcis port. out_width/out_height enable the scaling feature of the graphics ports. if both out_width/out_height are set to zero, driver treat is as non-scaling case.

application need make sure the pos_x/pos_y and out_width/out_height do not out of the current display frame boundary.


check OMAPFB userguide for the usage

Data Structures[edit]

This structure is used to query and set the so-called variable screen information. This allows an application to query or change the display mode, including the color depth, resolution, timing etc.

This structure is used by applications to get the fixed properties of the display, e.g. the start address of the framebuffer memory, framebuffer length etc.

This structure is used to get/set the color-map for the framebuffer.

V4L2 Driver Interface[edit]

Application Interface[edit]


SYSFS Software Interfaces[edit]

User can control all dynamic configuration of DSS core and Fbdev functionality thorugh SYSFS interface.

Frame-buffer Driver sysfs attributes[edit]

Following attributes are available for user control.

# ls -1 /sys/class/graphics/fb0/

Frame-buffer Driver sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
bits_per_pixel Allows user to control bits per pixel configuration, currently the supported values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32.
# echo 1/2/4/8/16/24/32 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/ bits_per_pixel
blank Allows user to control lcd display blanking configuration independently.
# echo 0/1  > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

Values only 0(FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) and 4(FB_BLANK_NORMAL) is supported
virtual_size Allows user to configure xres_virtual and yres_virtual parameters of frame-buffer,
# cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/virtual_size
virt_addr Readonly entry, displays virtual address of the frame-buffer memory.
phys_addr Readonly entry, displays physical address of the frame-buffer memory.

VPSS Library sysfs attributes[edit]

VPSS library provides/exports following attributes, which explained in detail below -

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/

VPSS Library: system [edit]

Config Display Controller

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/
VPSS Library-system: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
automode allow the vpss driver set the video PLL clock automatically based on the VENC mode
echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/automode
pllclks change the clocks for three video PLLs. automode need be turned off before using this.
echo rfclk:54000,dclk:XKHz> /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/pllclks
rfclk only support 54000KHz Clock.
tiedvencs tie multiple vencs together: hdmi id = 1, hdcomp id = 2, dvo2 id = 4, sd id = 8
# echo XX > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/tiedvencs

where XX: OR value of the venc id.


  • By Default, VPSS driver automatically configures the PLL clock based on the display mode setuped by the application for individual VENC without considering the PLL clock is shared or not with other VENC. So it is application's responsiblity to make sure that PLL clock and clock source of VENC are coupled well to supported the desired display mode.

VPSS Library: display[edit]

display Output
Arguments Definition
single An 10-bit wide, single channel CCIR656 video stream
double Two 10-bit wide video streams in CCIR656 format. The video data is YUV422 format
triple Three channel 10-bit video streams with embedded sync SAV/EAV. The video format can be YCbCr 444 or RGB
doublediscrete Two channel 10-bit video streams with dedicated HS/VS/FID/ACTVID sync signals.

The video data format is YUV 422. The first channel is Y; and CbCr are multiplexed on the second channel

triplediscrete Three channel 10-bit video streams with dedicated HS/VS/FID/ACTVID sync signals. The three channel component digital video can be RGB or YUV 444 format
VPSS Library: display0[edit]

Configure the HDMI VENC, which is connected to the on-chip HDMI module.

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/
VPSS Library-display0: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
clksrc Set the right clock source for the VENC
echo dclk/dclkdiv2/dclkdiff > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/clksrc
enabled Enable/Disable the VENC.
# echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
mode Set the right VENC mode:1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/1080p-30/720p-60 are supported (default 1080p-60).
# echo 1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/1080p-30/720p-60 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/mode

if automode is on, driver will set the PLL accordingly based on the mode, otherwise it is application's responsibility to set the right PLL clock before changing mode.

order reshuffle display order
echo A,B/C/D/E > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/order
A: enable(1)/disable(0) global reorder. if 0 is set, then only B value is required, C,D and E should not be used.
B: 0-3: display order of video(0:lowest, 3:highest)
C: 0-3: display order of graphics0
D: 0-3: display order of graphics1
E: 0-3: display order of graphics2
output Set the right VENC output
echo single/double/doublediscrete/triple/triplediscrete, rgb888/yuv444p/yuv422spuv > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/dvo2/output

the first part is the sync mode, the second part is output data format.

timings Displays the timing configuration.
echo 148500,1920/88/148/44,1080/4/36/5,1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/timings
148500: display pixel clock(KHz)
1920: display width
88: horizontal front porch
148: horizontal back porch
44: horizontal sync width
1080: display height
4: vertical front porch
36: vertical back porch
5: vertical sync width
1: progressive output
VPSS Library: display1[edit]

Configure DVO2 VENC, which is able to connect to exteral display device, such as LCD pannel, HDMI Transmitter etc. This document does not cover any such information related to the external display device.

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/
VPSS Library-display1: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
clksrc Set the right clock source for the VENC
echo aclk/aclkdiv2/aclkdiff/dclk/dclkdiv2/dclkdiff > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/clksrc
enabled Enable/Disable the VENC.
# echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled
mode Set the right VENC mode:1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/720p-60 are supported(default 1080p-60).
# echo 1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/720p-60 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/mode

if automode is on, driver will set the PLL accordingly based on the mode, otherwise it is application's responsibility to set the right PLL clock before changing mode.

order reshuffle display order
echo A,B/C/D/E > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/order
A: enable(1)/disable(0) global reorder. if 0 is set, then only B value is required, C,D and E should not be used.
B: 0-3: display order of video(0:lowest, 3:highest)
C: 0-3: display order of graphics0
D: 0-3: display order of graphics1
E: 0-3: display order of graphics2
output Set the right VENC output
echo single/double/doublediscrete/triple/triplediscrete, rgb888/yuv444p/yuv422spuv > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/output

the first part is the sync mode, the second part is output data format.

timings Displays the timing configuration.
echo 148500,1920/88/148/44,1080/4/36/5,1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/timings
148500: display pixel clock(KHz)
1920: display width
88: horizontal front porch
148: horizontal back porch
44: horizontal sync width
1080: display height
4: vertical front porch
36: vertical back porch
5: vertical sync width
1: progressive output
VPSS Library: display2[edit]

Configure the SD VENC(Composite output)

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/
VPSS Library-display2: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
clksrc not supported
enabled Enable/Disable the VENC.
# echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/enabled
mode Set the right VENC mode:ntsc/pal are supported (default ntsc).
# echo ntsc/pal > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/mode
order reshuffle display order
echo A,B/C/D/E > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/order
A: enable(1)/disable(0) global reorder. if 0 is set, then only B value is required, C,D and E should not be used.
B: 0-3: display order of video(0:lowest, 3:highest)
C: 0-3: display order of graphics0
D: 0-3: display order of graphics1
E: 0-3: display order of graphics2
output set the output for SD VENC
echo composite/svideo > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display2/output
timings Displays the timing configuration.(Not available now)

VPSS Library: display3[edit]

Configure the HDCOMP VENC(component output)

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/
VPSS Library-display3: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
clksrc Set the right clock source for the VENC
echo aclk/aclkdiv2/aclkdiff/dclk/dclkdiv2/dclkdiff > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/clksrc
enabled Enable/Disable the VENC.
# echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/enabled
mode Set the right VENC mode:1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/720p-60 are supported (default 1080i-60).
# echo 1080p-60/1080p-30/1080i-60/720p-60 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/mode

if automode is on, driver will set the PLL accordingly based on the mode, otherwise it is application's responsibility to set the right PLL clock before changing mode.

order reshuffle display order
echo A,B/C/D/E > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/order
A: enable(1)/disable(0) global reorder. if 0 is set, then only B value is required, C,D and E should not be used.
B: 0-3: display order of video(0:lowest, 3:highest)
C: 0-3: display order of graphics0
D: 0-3: display order of graphics1
E: 0-3: display order of graphics2
output Set the right VENC output
echo component/svideo/composite, rgb888/yuv444p/yuv422spuv > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/output

the first part is the output mode, the second part is output data format.

timings Displays the timing configuration.
echo 148500,1920/88/148/44,1080/4/36/5,1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display3/timings
148500: display pixel clock(KHz)
1920: display width
88: horizontal front porch
148: horizontal back porch
44: horizontal sync width
1080: display height
4: vertical front porch
36: vertical back porch
5: vertical sync width
1: progressive output

VPSS Library: graphics0/1/2[edit]

In all total 3 graphics pipeline are supported on hardware,

# ls -1 /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/
VPSS Library-graphics0/1/2: sysfs attributes
Acronym Definition
enabled User can enable/disable overlay through this entry.
# echo 0/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
nodes User can configure which vencs(hdmi/hdcomp/dvo2/sd) this graphics pipeline connected to.
One graphics pipeline can be connected to multiple video compositor as long
as those VENCs associated with video compositor are in the same timing.
# echo XX:AAA,BBB,CCC > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/nodes

where XX: 1-4 number of vencs connected, AAA,BBB,CCC: hdmi/hdcomp/dvo2/sd name of the vencs

Miscellaneous Configurations[edit]

The default setup/configuration is -

fb0  -- => graphics0 - - => hdmi_venc(display0)->on_chip_hdmi output

fb1  -- => graphics1 - - => hdcomp_venc(display3)->component output

fb2  -- => graphics2 - - => sd_venc(display2)->composite ouput

User can control/configure the various graphics pipeline to different video compositor(VENCs). This section demonstrate/explains the switching of output using above interfaces.

NOTE The connections between fb node and graphics pipeline are fixed and not able to change.

Switching fb0(graphics0) output from HDMI VEVC(display0) to DVO2 VENC(display1)[edit]

Follow the steps below to switch graphics0(fb0)output from HDMI to DVO2 VENC

  • Disable graphics 0
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
  • Switch output VENC
# echo 1:dvo2 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/nodes
  • Enable graphics 0
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled

Similar steps must be followed for switching other graphcis piple line to different VENC.

Cloning fb0(graphics0) output to both HDMI VENC(display0) and DVO2 VENC(display1)[edit]

Follow below steps to clone GFX overlay output to both HDMI and DVO2 VENC.

Appliation should make sure that both VENC has the same timing.
If one graphics plane is connected to multiple vencs, those vencs must tied.

  • Disable graphics0 pipeline
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
  • Disable hdmi VENC
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
  • Disable dvo2 venc
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled
  • Tited the VENCs
# echo 5 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/tiedvenc
  • Switch the both HDMI and DVO2 VENCs
# echo 2:hdmi,dvo2 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/nodes
  • Enable graphics 0 pipeline
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled

The similar stpes must be following when cloning other graphics pipeline to multiple VENCs

Change the mode on HDMI VENC(display0)[edit]

Follow below steps to change the VENC mode on HDMI, assuming that Graphics0(fb0) is connected to HDMI

  • Disable graphics0 pipeline
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
  • Disable hdmi VENC
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
  • Set the new VENC mode
#echo 720p-60 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/mode
  • Enable hdmi VENC
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
  • Enable graphics0 pipeline
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled

The similar stpes must be following when change mode of other VENCs.
application should disable all the pipeline connected to the HDMI venc before performing the above steps.

Change display timing on DVO2 VENC(display1)[edit]

Follow below steps to change the display timing on DVO2 VENC

  • Disable DVO2 VENC
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled
  • set new display timings
#echo 74250,1280/110/220/40,720/5/20/5,1/3 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/dvo2/timings
  • Enable DVO2 VENC
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled

The similar stpes must be followed when change mode of other VENCs.
application should disable all the pipeline connected to the HDMI venc before performing the above steps.

Reshuffle display order on HDMI VENC(display0)[edit]

Follow below steps to reshuffle the display order on HDMI VENC

  • set up new display order(graphics0 has higher displar order than graphics1 & graphics2)
echo 1:0/3/1/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/order

The similar stpes must be followed when change order of other VENCs.
Reshuffling order is runing time parameter operation.

Change the clock source on HDMI VENC(display0)[edit]

Follow below steps to change the clock source on HDMI.

  • Disable hdmi VENC
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
  • Set the new clock source
#echo dclkdiff > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/clksrc
  • Enable hdmi VENC
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled

The similar stpes must be following when change mode of other VENCs.
application should disable all the pipeline connected to the HDMI venc before performing the above steps.

Change the OUTPUT of HDMI VENC(display0)[edit]

Follow below steps to change the OUTPUT of HDMI VENC.

  • Disable hdmi VENC
#echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled
  • Set the new clock source
#echo double > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/output
  • Enable hdmi VENC
#echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display0/enabled

The similar stpes must be following when change mode of other VENCs.
application should disable all the pipeline connected to the HDMI venc before performing the above steps.

Change Video PLL Clock [edit]

Follow below steps to change the video pll clock for the vencs

  • Disable the auto mode
$ echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/automode
  • Change the D clock to 148.5MHz
echo dclk:148.5 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/system/pllclks

If automode is off, vpss driver does not change PLL clock accordingly when application tunes to different mode.

Driver Configuration[edit]

V4L2 video driver[edit]


Framebuffer driver[edit]

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- menuconfig
  • Select Device Drivers from the main menu.
    Kernel Features  --->
    Boot options  --->
    CPU Power Management  --->
    Floating point emulation  --->
    Userspace binary formats  --->
    Power management options  --->
[*] Networking support  --->
"   Device Drivers  --->"

  • Select Graphics support from the menu.
    Sonics Silicon Backplane  --->
    Multifunction device drivers  --->
[*] Voltage and Current Regulator Support  --->
<*> Multimedia support  --->
"    Graphics support  --->"
<*> Sound card support  --->
[*] HID Devices  --->
[*] USB support  --->

  • Select Support for frame buffer devices from the menu.
<M> Lowlevel video output switch controls
<*> Support for frame buffer devices  --->
< > E-Ink Broadsheet/Epson S1D13521 controller support
<M> TI81XX Viddeo Processing Subsystem support (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->
[ ] Backlight & LCD device support  --->

  • Select TI81XX Viddeo Processing Subsystem support (EXPERIMENTAL) from the same menu.
<*> Support for frame buffer devices  --->
(50)   VRAM size (MB)
[*]   Debug support
<M> TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->

  • Configure default VRAM size to the required/expected size of buffer, the default is 50MB.
--- Select TI81XX Viddeo Processing Subsystem support (EXPERIMENTAL)
"(50)   VRAM size (MB)"
[*]   Debug support

  • Enable/Disable Debug function of VPSS
[*]   Debug support

  • Select TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL) from the same menu. Press <ENTER> to enter the corresponding sub-menu.
[*]   Debug support for TI81XXFB
"(3)   Number of framebuffers"

NOTE: If this value is set as 1, only fb0(graphics0) is availabe in the fbdev.
If this value is set as 2, then graphics0(fb0) and graphics1(fb1) pipeline are available in FBDEV.
If this value is set as 3, all 3 graphics0/1/2(fb0/1/2) pipelines are available the FBDEV interface.

Sample Application Flow[edit]

This chapter describes the application flow using the V4l2 and FBDEV drivers.

V4L2-Display Application Flow[edit]


Fbdev-Display Application Flow[edit]

Application for FBDEV driver

Installation Guide[edit]


This is the TI81XX Linux VPSS and Fbdev Driver user installation guide. This documents the steps to get the VPSS Driver worked up on TI81XX based EVM(Simulator is not tested). This documetns deatils the steps in load syslink, M3 BIOS VPSS firmware and VPSS symbol. This driver is verified over the TI816X PSP release, syslink_02_00_00_67_alpha2 release, and HDVPSS Release.

Note: Only the above mentioned version of the components are verified and tested.

Preliminary Work[edit]

  • Build the Linux Uboot and Kernel following the installation guide of TI816x PSP release
  • As both VPSS and Fbdev driver are built over Syslink linux Kernel driver. It is required to build syslink kernel driver before building VPSS and Fbdev Driver. Please Follow installation guide and release notes of syslink, which is available at TI site to build syslink.ko.
  • M3 BIOS VPSS Firmware(c6a816x_hdvpss.xem3/ti816x_hdvpss.xem3) is loaded by the procmgrapp, which is the user space program from syslink. Please follow installatation guide of syslink to generate procmgrapp, which is available at TI site
  • M3 BIOS VPSS Firmware(c6a816x_hdvpss.xem3/ti816x_hdvpss.xem3) is the software running over the VPSS M3 Processor.

Build Linux VPSS and Fbdev Drivers[edit]

Since Syslink kernel driver is not part of the TI816x PSP release packages, both VPSS and Fbdev driver are built in the format of module, which are parts of the PSP release. The pre-build uImage inside of PSP release package supports the prebuit VPSS/Fbdev modules.

NOTE: Applications are not required to rebuild the uImage or VPSS/Fbdev module unless VPSS/Fbdev drivers are changed.

  • Enable the VPSS and Fbdev in menuconfig

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ti8168_evm_defconfig
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- menuconfig

select Device Drivers

   Userspace binary formats  --->
   Power management options  --->
   [*] Networking support  --->
 " Device Drivers  --->    "
   CBUS support  --->
   File systems  --->

select graphics support:

   Multifunction device drivers  --->
   [ ] Voltage and Current Regulator Support  --->
   < > Multimedia support  --->
 " Graphics support  --->     "
   <*> Sound card support  --->
   [*] HID Devices  --->

Select TI81XX Video Processing Subsystem (EXPERIMENTAL)

   < > Fujitsu MB862xx GDC support
   < > E-Ink Broadsheet/Epson S1D13521 controller support
   < > OMAP frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)
 " <M> TI81XX Video Processing Subsystem (EXPERIMENTAL)  ---> "
   [ ] Backlight & LCD device support  --->

Setup the VPSS configuraiton.

 --- TI81XX Video Processing Subsystem (EXPERIMENTAL)
   (50)  VRAM size (MB)
   [*]   Debug support
    <>   TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->

select TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)

 --- TI81XX Video Processing Subsystem (EXPERIMENTAL)
   (50)  VRAM size (MB)
   [*]   Debug support
   " <M>   TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)  ---> "

--- TI81XX frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)
   [*]   Debug support for TI81XX FB
   (3)   Number of framebuffers
  • Rebuild the Kernel uImage
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- uImage
  • Set SYSLINK_ROOT environment variable
  • Set IPCDIR environment variable
 $ export IPCDIR = $(PATH_WHERE_IPC_IS_INSTALLED/packages)
  • Build module for the drivers
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS=$SYSLINK_ROOT/ti/syslink/utils/hlos/knl/Linux/Module.symvers modules
  • vpss.ko will be generated under driver/video/ti81xx/vpss and ti81xxfb.ko will be generated under driver/video/ti81xx/ti81xxfb

Prerequisites [edit]

The following files will be available after the above steps have been executed:

  1. syslink kernel module file, referred as "syslink.ko"
  2. Proc manager user space program, referred as "procmgrapp"
  3. M3 BIOS Firmware binary, referred as "c6a816x_hdvpss.xem3/ti816x_hdvpss.xem3"
  4. VPSS module binary, referred as "vpss.ko"
  5. fbdev module binary, referred as "ti81xxfb.ko"

Load VPSS and Fbdev Driver Modules[edit]

  • After seeing Linux booting log at Hyper Terminal or Tera Term, type "root" to log int.
$ cd to the folder where those Prerequisites are stored in the NFS or RamDisk
  • load syslink module

$ insmode syslink.ko
  • Load VPSS M3 Firmware

  • DM816X Platform

$ ./procmgrapp 2 ti816x_hdvpss.xem3 0
  • C6A816X Platform

$ ./procmgrapp 2 c6a816x_hdvpss.xem3 0
  • Load VPSS Module

  • DM816X Platform
$ insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xB2C00000
  • C6A816X Platform
 $ insmode vpss.ko
  • Load FBDev Module

$ insmod ti81xxfb.ko
  • Now Fbdev module was loaded and application can be executed from here.


 HDMI Kernel module is required to view the output from On-Chip HDMI, see next section.
 Application need develop their own software component to support the external display device connected with DVO2 VENC.
 Add debug=1 to enable the debug function of vpss.ko and ti81xxfb.ko
 Application need assign the memroy size when loading ti81xxfb.ko if accessing /dev/fb1 and /dev/fb2 nodes
    $ insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:XXM,1:YYM,2:ZZM

Load On-Chip HDMI Module[edit]

On-Chip HDMI hardware is controlled through another kernel driver, which should be loaded after vpss.ko is loadded. Please refer HDMI user guide for details.

  • Load HDMI Module

$ insmod TI81xx_hdmi.ko hdmi_mode=2


  • Please note that HDMI module parameter(hdmi_mode) is required to set to appropirate value (2 for 1080P60), failing which the HDMI display will NOT be started. However, applications can start the HDMI after insertion of the module. How to start the HDMI after insertion is not part of FBDEV sample application. Please refer HDMI user guide for details.
E2e.jpg {{
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  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

Please post only comments related to the article DM816X AM389X VPSS Video Driver User Guide PSP here.

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