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DA8xx Control Communication
This section talks about the points that need to be taken care by the uC while writing the code to communicate with DSP.
Alpha Command[edit]
- It can control PA/F and Decoders, ASPs and Encoders on PA/F
- Every command consists one or more 16bit units
- Mostly commands are used to read/write registers of different modules.
- Commands can read or write to 8/16/32bits registers.
- Also there are commands that can read/write variable length arrays.
- There 'execute' type of commands (e.g. Input/Output switching commands)which can invoke a set of commands, internally, once received by DSP.
- Customers can make their own alpha commands for modules developed by them.
Example from ProLogicII[edit]
- Definition of alpha commands (example of PL2x)
... //Mode Select for PL2x #define readPL2XOperationalMode 0xc200+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d00 #define writePL2XOperationalModeEmulation 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d00 //PL1 emulation mode #define writePL2XOperationalModeVirtual 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d01 //Virtual compatible mode #define writePL2XOperationalModeMusic 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d02 //Music mode #define writePL2XOperationalModeMovie 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d03 //Movie mode(default) #define writePL2XOperationalModeMatrix 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d04 //Matrix mode #define writePL2XOperationalModeCustom 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d07 //Custom(Override mode) #define writePL2XOperationalModeReserved1 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d08 #define writePL2XOperationalModeReserved2 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d09 #define writePL2XOperationalModeReserved3 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d0a #define writePL2XOperationalModeGame 0xca00+STD_BETA_PL2x,0x0d0e ...
Physical Protocol[edit]
- Serial Protocol Binary 2 (SP-B2): I2C bus communication (8bit data)
- Serial Protocol Binary 16 (SP-B16): SPI bus communication (16bit data)
- A communication with CPM via I2C bus
- Slave address is
I2C0 ->0x28(Default) I2C1 ->0x29(Default)
- A communication with CPM via SPI bus
- A communication with CPM via UART bus
Alpha Command communication via CPM (Count Packet Mode)[edit]
- Packet communication
- Send the number of data words (Count) before binary data(Alpha Command)
- Little Endian
- Binary data is sent after Count, both DSP to Host and Host to DSP
SP-B2 0x02-> Count 0xAB-> First element 0xCD-> Second element
SP-B16 0x0002-> Count 0xABCD-> First element 0xEFGH-> Second element
- For SP-B2, the maximum number of elements per 1 packet is 254 elements
- For SP-B16, the maximum number of elements per 1 packet is 240 elements
How to send the commands?[edit]
When the following alpha command is to be sent
#define execPA17IInAnalog48 0xf123
uC should send as follows
uC sends: 0x03,0x00,0x23,0xf1 (or 0x02,0x23,0xf1) DSP responds: 0x02,0x23,0xf1
- Micro C must wait for a response from the DSP after sending the shortcut or read command.
When the following alpha command is sent
#define readDECSourceProgram 0xc224,0x0a00
uC should send as follows
uC sends: 0x002,0xc224,0x0a00 DSP responds: 0x002,0xca24,0x0a?? (?? Is depends on the current stream. This response is defined as wroteDECSourceProgramXXX)
- Micro C must wait for a response from the DSP after sending the shortcut or read command. Keep sending 0 till the response will come
Detail Example of SPI Command Sending[edit]
- Micro C need to check if ENA is asserted before sending every single word. This is flow control for DSP communication. You should check ENA after asserting CS or you cannot get ENA's correct status. This is not needed for boot sequence. Only alpha command communication needs it.
- Before starting alpha command communication, you should send reset query to establish a link between uC and DSP. See H/W Bring-up for detail. Note that this is not needed SP-B2.
Read Example[edit]
In case of reading a data “0x22554411” via SPI
SIMO 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 SOMI 0100010000010001 0010001001010101
Write Example[edit]
In case of writing a data “0x33665577” to DSP via SPI
SIMO 0101010101110111 0011001101100110 SOMI 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Example of sending Read Command via SPI[edit]
#define readVOLControlMaster 0xc300+STD_BETA_VOLUME,0x0010,NN
STD_BETA_VOLUME is 0x26. So, the command to send is 0xc326,0x0010
SIMO 0000000000000010 1100001100100110 0000000000010000 SOMI 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Then receive the response
SIMO 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 SOMI 0000000000000011 1100101100100110 0000000000010000 1111111111011000
Example of sending I/O shortcut via SPI[edit]
#define execPA17IInAnalogStereo48 0xf123
Send command SIMO 0000000000000001 1111000100100011 SOMI 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Then receive the response
SIMO 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 SOMI 0000000000000001 1111000100100011
Example of sending write command (Set master volule to -20dB) via SPI[edit]
#define writeVOLControlMasterN(NN) 0xcb00+STD_BETA_VOLUME,0x0010,NN
writeVOLConstrolMasterN(-20*2) is the command to send. STD_BETA_VOLUME is 0x26. So, the command to send is
You should add count. So, result is
SIMO 0000000000000011 1100101100100110 0000000000010000 1111111111011000 SOMI 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Detail Example of I2C Command Sending[edit]
- Micro C need to check if DSP holds CLK before START and sending every single byte. This is flow control for DSP communication.
Read Example[edit]
In case of reading a data “0x22554411” via I2C Assuming Slave Address is 0x28
START 0101000 R ACK 00010001 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 01000100 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 01010101 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 00100010 ACK STOP
Write Example[edit]
In case of writing a data “0x33665577” to DSP via I2C Assuming Slave Address is 0x28
START 0101000 W ACK 01110111 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 01010101 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 01100110 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00110011 ACK STOP
Example of sending Read Command via I2C[edit]
#define readVOLControlMaster 0xc300+STD_BETA_VOLUME,0x0010,NN
STD_BETA_VOLUME is 0x26. So, the command to send is 0xc326,0x0010
Send command START 0101000 W ACK 00000101 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00100110 ACK 11000011 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00010000 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP
Then receive the response
START 0101000 R ACK 00000111 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 00100110 ACK 11001011 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 00010000 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 11011000 ACK 11111111 ACK STOP
Example of sending I/O shortcut via I2C[edit]
#define execPA17IInAnalogStereo48 0xf123
Send command START 0101000 W ACK 00000011 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00100011 ACK 11110001 ACK STOP
Then receive the response
START 0101000 R ACK 00000011 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 R ACK 00100011 ACK 11110001 ACK STOP
Example of sending write command (Set master volule to -20dB) via I2C[edit]
#define writeVOLControlMasterN(NN) 0xcb00+STD_BETA_VOLUME,0x0010,NN
writeVOLConstrolMasterN(-20*2) is the command to send. STD_BETA_VOLUME is 0x26. So, the command to send is
You should add count. So, result is
START 0101000 W ACK 00000111 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00100110 ACK 11001011 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 00010000 ACK 00000000 ACK STOP START 0101000 W ACK 11011000 ACK 11111111 ACK STOP