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Category:TI-RTOS Examples SerialFlash

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TI-RTOS Serial Flash Example[edit]

The File:SerialFlash EK TM4C1294XL file contains two CCS examples of using a AT45DB SPI flash device with a EK-TM4C1294XL board. One example uses direct calls to the AT45DB module (included in the example). The AT45DB uses the TI-RTOS SPI module to communicate to the SPI flash device. The other example uses the FatFS module to access the flash. Note the AT45DBFatFs module (which sits on top of the AT45DB module) plugs into the FatFS.

Please refer to the readme.txt in each example for more details. The SPI Flash device used obtained here:

The examples require CCS 6.1 (or higher) and TI-RTOS for TIvaC To use TI-RTOS for TIvaC, change the include path and lib paths from TivaWare_C_Series- to TivaWare_C_Series- in the examples.

Questions/comments should be directed to the TI-RTOS forums (

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