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SimpliciTI™ is a low-power RF protocol aimed at simple, small RF networks. This open-source software is an excellent start for building a network with battery-operated devices using one of TI’s low-power RF System-on-Chips (SoC) or the MSP430 ultra-low-power MCU and a TI RF transceiver. SimpliciTI was designed for easy implementation and deployment out-of-the-box on several TI RF platforms such as the MSP430 MCUs and the CC1XXX/CC25XX transceivers and SoCs.

Supported RF modules[edit]

  • Family 1: CC2500, CC1100, CC1101
  • Family 2: CC2510, CC2511, CC1110, CC1111
  • Family 3: CC2520
  • Family 4: CC2430
  • Family 5: CC430
  • Family 6: CC2530
  • Family 7: CC1120

Supported MSP430 Experimenter's boards[edit]

The following link includes ports of SimpliciTI-IAR-1.2.0 and SimpliciTI-CCS-1.1.1 supporting some MSP430 Experimenter's boards: SimpliciTI_RF_Stack 1_x_x_5

Supported boards[edit]

The following MSP430 Experimenter's boards are supported in this release:

Examples included[edit]

The Software package includes the following examples:

  • EXP430F5438:
    • AP_as_Data_Hub
    • Simple_Peer_to_Peer
    • UART_Bridge (SimpliciTI_IAR_2.0.0.5xx only)
  • EXP430F5529:
    • AP_as_Data_Hub
    • Simple_Peer_to_Peer
  • EXP430FR5739:
    • AP_as_Data_Hub
    • Simple_Peer_to_Peer

Revision Tracking[edit]

Users are encouraged to make updates and report bugs. Please document changes in revision tracking:

Version Date Comment
1.0 Feb 2012 First Rev
Version Date Comment
1.0 Feb 2012 First Rev

Support for Stellaris Cortex M3[edit]

SimpliciTI is also included in the StellarisWare for Stellaris Cortex M3 MCU:

Support Forum and FAQ[edit]

For technical questions, please refer to the SimplciTI E2E Forum and also check the SimpliciTI FAQ.

Memory Requirements[edit]

SimpliciTI 1.2.0 (IAR)[edit]

CC1110 (Compiled with IAR 8051 EWB v8.11)[edit]

Project Flash (CODE) RAM
Simple_Peer_To_Peer - LinkTo 10182 18(DATA) + 1413(XDATA) + 208(IDATA)
Simple_Peer_To_Peer - LinkListen 9828 18(DATA) + 1413(XDATA) + 208(IDATA)
Polling_with_AP - Sender 10894 18(DATA) + 1411(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
Polling_with_AP - Receiver 10794 18(DATA) + 1411(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
Polling_with_AP - Access Point 9410 18(DATA) + 1615(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
AP_as_Data_Hub - End Device 11138 18(DATA) + 1418(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
AP_as_Data_Hub - Access Point 11366 18(DATA) + 1724(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
AP_as_Data_Hub - Range Extender 8583 18(DATA) + 1389(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
UART_Bridge - LinkTo 13672 18(DATA) + 1568(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)
UART_Bridge - LinkListen 13364 18(DATA) + 1576(XDATA) + 192(IDATA)

MSP430FG4618 (Compiled with IAR MSP430 EWB v5.50)[edit]

Project Flash (CODE) RAM
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1100-End Device 7388 (CODE) + 149 (CONST) 644 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1100-Access Point 7398 (CODE) + 232 (CONST) 954 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1100-Range Extender 5782 (CODE) + 127 (CONST) 615 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1101-End Device 5820 (CODE) + 125 (CONST) 615 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1101-Access Point 7360 (CODE) + 234 (CONST) 954 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC1101-Range Extender 5782 (CODE) + 127 (CONST) 615 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC2500-End Device 7390 (CODE) + 149 (CONST) 644 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC2500-Access Point 7400 (CODE) + 232 (CONST) 954 (DATA +34 absolute)
AP_as_Data_Hub - CC2500-Range Extender 5822 (CODE) + 125 (CONST) 615 (DATA +34 absolute)

Known Bugs[edit]


  • There is a bug in MSP-EXP430FR5739 sample project from SimpliciTI Linked resources mpl_config.dat and mpl_nwk_config.dat are pointing to files from different board. Please remove this files from your project and add files (link to) from correct branch (...\SimpliciTI_CCS_1_1_1_5xx\Projects\Examples\EXP430FR5739\Simple_Peer_to_Peer\CCS\Configuration\...).

Compiling with active END_DEVICE and RANGE_EXTENDER configuration[edit]

According to the SimpliciTI Developers Note, it is possible to compile the code to enable a SimpliciTI node acting as both End Device and Range Extenders by declaring device type END_DEVICE and RANGE_EXTENDER. However there are some mistakes in the macro directives for conditional compilation in nwk_api.c, nwk_frame.c, and nwk_frame.h which prevent the message forwarding mechanism of range extender to work properly if compiled together with end device functionality.

Below is the modified source code to fix the described problem above: File:Smpl nwk ed

Stall issue on CC2530[edit]

Refer here.

AP joining issue[edit]

Refer here.