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CC3100 OTA Sample Application
Over The Air (OTA) update is wireless delivery of new software updates and/or configurations to embedded devices and with the concept of Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things, OTA is an efficient way of distributing firmware updates or upgrades.
OTA Library Implementation[edit]
System Block Diagram[edit]
Module Descriptions[edit]
Extlib_ota module[edit]
- Connects to the OTA server
- Downloads the list of updates depending on the HOST/NWP version
- Searches for update in the cloud directory /Vid00_Pid00_VerAAXX, this enables the vendor to put updates for a specific product and version
- Supports file name pattern: faa_sys_filename.ext , where aa is the flag for secured file, signature file, use external storage, reset NWP. Refer to ‘File Naming Convention’ section for details.
- Downloads all update files and can store it on SFLASH or on an external storage.
- Instructs the host application on how to proceed (Reset MCU, reset NWP, …)
- Supports Non-Os time sharing and FSM - save progress info, return after every step
- Saves statistics into file "/sys/otastat.txt" and also uploads it onto the cloud
- Restrictions
- Uses 2 secured socket (CC3x00 support only 2 secured sockets)
- Max of 16 files in each update
Extlib_file_commit (FLC) module[edit]
- Accesses the SFLASH file system (Open, Read, Write, Close)
- Manages the MCU image commit process (Valid for CC3200 only):
- Uses /sys/mcubootinfo.bin file to identify active image (1, 2) and image status (TESTING, TESTREADY, NOTEST).
- Selects the next image to be updated
- Allows testing the new image by setting TESTREADY and signaling reboot.
- Commits the new image when indicated by host application.
High Level Flow[edit]
- OTA App periodically calls the local OTA client to connect to the OTA server and check for updates.
- OTA client send “update_check” request with vendor id , ask OTA server for a list of resources
- OTA Server based vendor id sends back the list to resources to update
- OTA client send “metadata” request with next resource id, asking for specific resource information
- OTA server sends back the CDN domain and path to the resource
- OTA app call CDN Client to download the resource to the File system (or to external storage)
- CDN client, using HTTP requests, downloads the file in chunks into the File storage
- Steps from 4 to 8 are repeated until each resource in the list is updated.
- OTA returns DOWNLOAD_DONE to Host along with reset MCU and/or NWP flag.
- Host activates the commit process.
OTA Application State Machine[edit]
Sequence Diagrams[edit]
OTA client/server sequence[edit]
Source Files briefly explained[edit]
- NON-OS – Directory holding non-os based implementation of the application
- main.c - Contains the core logic for the application.
- net.c - Wrapper function implementation for required SL_HOST APIs
- otaconfig.h - Contains OTA server configuration details
File Naming Convention for OTA on Dropbox[edit]
The files stored on the cloud should be in the following format
/VidVV_PidPP_VerRR_XX.XX.XX.XX/fAA_sys_filename.ext |
The directory /VidVV_PidPP_VerRR_XX.XX.XX.XX
- VidVV – Vendor id number
- PidPP – Product id number
- RR – OTA sample file version
- XX.XX.XX.XX – Service Pack version (currently loaded on device)
The filename fAA_sys_filename.ext
- fAA – File Flags
- f - File prefix
- AA - File flags bitmap :
- 01 - The file is secured
- 02 - The file is secured with signature
- 04 - The file is secured with certificate
- 08 - Don't convert _sys_ into /sys/ for SFLASH
- 10 - Use external storage instead of SFLASH
- 20 - Reserved.
- 40 - NWP should be reset after this download
- 80 - MCU should be reset after this download
- sys- optional and can be converted to /sys/ directory
- ext
- signature - .sig, filename must be the name of the secured file
- certificate - .cer, filename must be the name of the secured file
The following table list the file names of fixed know image types:
Image Type | OTA File Name |
Service Pack | f43_sys_servicepack.ucf |
Service Pack signature | f00_sys_servicepack.sig |
Note: 'f43_sys_servicepack.ucf' is the service pack binary file and shouldn't be confused with uniflash session file.
OTA Update Application[edit]
This application focuses on showcasing CC3100’s ability to receive firmware update and/or any related files over the internet enabled Wi-Fi interface. The example uses Dropbox API App platform to store and distribute the OTA update files.
An APP on Dropbox API platform can be looked at as a network accessible drive where user contents are arranged as a tree of files and/or folders. The OTA library expects a folder at the top level which is pointed to via VendorString (the folder name on Dropbox), set during OTA initialization. This top level folder should contain the files to be updated directly and no folders. The OTA library also puts some restriction on the file names (see File Naming Convention for OTA on Dropbox section). File(s) with other name pattern will be rejected.
The VendorString can be constructed in a variety of ways. This application constructs it by appending the current NWP service pack version to a macro OTA_VENDOR_STRING defined in otaconfig.h file.
Assuming the current service pack on CC3100 device with version number and OTA_VENDOR_STRING is defined as Vid01_Pid01_Ver00, the application constructs the VendorString by appending the version number to the macro i.e. Vid01_Pid01_Ver00_02.09.00.00. This folder on Dropbox should contain all the files that need to be updated. If left empty OTA library assumes a NO_UPDATE condition.
This application checks for the update every 10s in folder based on the logic mentioned in above paragraph.
After following the above steps a new service pack (ex: SP_2.10.0.0) will be retrieved from the CDN location: Vid01_Pid01_Ver00_02.09.00.00/f43_sys_servicepack.ucf
Note that: Vid01_Pid01_Ver00_02.09.00.00/f43_sys_servicepack.ucf is for vendor id: 01, product id: 01, version: 00, and secured file: /sys/servicepack.ucf
- Open Uniflash tool for CC3xxx
- Mount CC3100 booster pack on CC31XXEMUBOOST board.
- Format the sFlash.
- Program the service pack.
Creating Dropbox API application[edit]
- Create an account with Dropbox and login
- Go to and choose dropbox API app
- Choose Files and Datastores and Yes My app only needs access to files it creates.
- Provide a suitable name for the APP and click Create APP button
- You will be redirected to Apps setting page. Scroll down to Generated access token and click generate. Copy and save the generated token.
- Go to
- Click on the application name
- Create a new folder and name it VidVV_PidPP_VerRR_XX.XX.XX.XX. Refer to “Configuring the application for new Dropbox account” section for details.
Configuring the application for new Dropbox account[edit]
#define OTA_SERVER_APP_TOKEN "<dropbox access token>" #define OTA_VENDOR_STRING "Vid01_Pid01_Ver00"
- Open otaconfig.h and update the parameters above
- Upload the servicepack: f43_sys_servicepack.ucf, ota sample file: f08_otaSampleFile.txt and other user files into VidVV_PidPP_VerRR_XX.XX.XX.XX folder on Dropbox server where XX.XX.XX.XX is the current Service Pack version loaded on the device
- Note: the application automatically constructs the file path by appending the current NWP service pack version to the OTA_VENDOR_STRING macro
Assuming the current device Service Pack version (SP prior to OTA operation) is, perform the following steps:
- Within the Dropbox account create an app with directory name: Vid01_Pid01_Ver00_02.09.00.00/f43_sys_servicepack.ucf
- Ensure that you generate the access token
- Load all files that you'd like to have updated via OTA. Ex: f43_sys_servicepack.ucf, f00_sys_servicepack.sig, f08_otaSampleFile.txt
- Using the token generated from your Dropbox account and the Dropbox directory name, Set both parameters below:
#define OTA_SERVER_APP_TOKEN "<dropbox access token>" #define OTA_VENDOR_STRING "Vid01_Pid01_Ver00"
Building Library[edit]
- Import the flc_lib and ota_lib library projects into the workspace. Make sure the 'Copy projects into workspace' is unchecked.
- Build flc_lib and ota_lib library projects.
- Mount the CC3100 Booster-pack on MSP430F5529LP.
- Configure the terminal-program for seeing the logs - The Terminal Setting has detailed instructions for configuring the terminal-program
- Open sl_common.h and change SSID_NAME, PASSKEY and SEC_TYPE per your access-point's properties.
- Build and run ota_sample_app projects.
- The application will download the new servicepack and files available at dropbox.
- See the self-explanatory logs on the terminal-program's console.
Porting OTA Library to other servers[edit]
Key Macros/Functions | For Dropbox | Descriptions |
OTA_SERVER_NAME | | The server/domain name |
OTA_SERVER_SECURED | 1 | If to use secure sockets |
OTA_SERVER_REST_UPDATE_CHK | /1/metadata/auto/ | REST API to get resource list |
OTA_SERVER_REST_RSRC_METADATA | /1/media/auto | REST API to resource details |
OTA_SERVER_REST_HDR | Authorization: Bearer | Authorization header |
OTA_SERVER_REST_HDR_VAL | Authorization header value | |
LOG_SERVER_NAME | | Log server |
OTA_SERVER_REST_FILES_PUT | /1/files_put/auto/ | REST API to write files |
OtaClient_UpdateCheck | http_build_request | Get the resource list |
json_parse_dropbox_metadata | ||
OtaClient_ResourceMetadata | http_build_request | Get per-resource details |
json_parse_dropbox_media_url |
This section lists down and describes the key parameters and functions that are server specific and are required to be re-implemented to port this library to a new server:
Server Info Structure[edit]
This structure holds the server related parameter like the domain name, authorization key, REST APIs, log server and vendor string. Following member variables are required to be initialized and passed to OTA Library as part of initialization.
server_domain: This holds the server name for the OTA server.
Eg: for Dropbox REST APIs
secured_connection: This holds if the connection to the OTA server and CDN server is secure or non-secure.
rest_update_chk: This defines the REST API for getting the list of resources from the server
Eg: /1/metadata/auto/
rest_rsrc_metadata: This defines the API for getting the details of each resource on the server
Eg: /1/media/auto
rest_hdr: This holds the additional HTTP headers (like authorization) for the server
Eg: Authorization: Bearer
rest_hdr_val: Holds the header value, like the access key.
Eg: BwPuaYu9AoAAABBBAAAAA-uhCfuTU_Jw54oBVgBCtZaMAsDfhTZcV8lLK7ruzD51r
log_server_name: Server name for logging the OTA logs
rest_files_put: This holds the REST API for writing to the server
Eg: /1/files_put/auto/
log_mac_address: MAC address of the current device using the OTA library. This is used for logging
OTA Client Functions[edit]
OtaClient_UpdateCheck: This function gets the list of updates from the OTA server. Internally, sends the rest_update_chk request and parses out the response to get the list of resources (files) available. In case of Dropbox, json_parse_dropbox_metadata, parses the response.
OtaClient_ResourceMetadata: This function gets the details of requested resource including the resource path on CDN client and resource flags. Internally uses rest_rsrc_metadata to get the resource details. In case of Dropbox, json_parse_dropbox_media_url, parser the response.
Limitations/Known Issues[edit]
- For OTA downloads with dependency on file order, it is recommended to perform these operations in steps by creating multiple distinct Dropbox folders. With this method the user can ensure each OTA download happens without issue prior to the next OTA attempt. Ex: downloading the signature file (f00_sys_servicepack.sig) prior to the service pack (f43_sys_servicepack.ucf) download:
- OTA cannot update a file to a newer file of same name if the size of the newer file is larger than the max size allocated to that file.
- Rollback functionality for the service-pack is not supported.
- Does not support CC3100 PG 1.32 device
- Vid: Vendor ID
- Pid: Product ID
- Ver: Version ID
- CDN: Content Delivery Network
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