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CC256x Testing Guide
Device Power Up[edit]
Required Voltage Rail and Signal Sequence[edit]
Proper power up of the device:
- nSHUTDOWN must be low.
- Turn on power supplies:
- Turn on VDD_IN (3.3V, max range is 1.8V to 4.8V)
- Turn on VDD_IO (1.8V, max range is 1.62V to 1.92V)
- VDD_IO and VDD_IN must be stable before releasing nSHUTDOWN.
- Slow Clock must be stable within 2ms of releasing nSHUTDOWN.
- Fast Clock must be stable within 20ms of releasing nSHUTDOWN.
- The CC256x device will indicate a complete proper power-up sequence by pulling HCI_RTS low.
Figure: Proper Power Up Sequence
No signals are allowed on the I/O pins if VDD_IO power is not present. The only exceptions on this are the SLOW_CLK, XTALP, XTALM, and AUD_xxx pins that are fail-safe and can tolerate external voltages without VDD_IO and VDD_IN present.
The nSHUTDOWN initializes a boot-up of the CC256x device, after the power rails have been applied. The device signals that a proper boot-up was performed by pulling HCI_RTS low.
UART Communication[edit]
The 4-wire UART connection (H4) has the following default settings:
- 115.2 kbps baudrate
- Hardware (HW) flow control
- UART 8N1 setting:
- 8-bits
- No parity bit
- 1 stop bit
An example of UART HCI communication:
Outgoing command: HCI_Read_Local_Version_Information
Outgoing Hex dump: 0x01 0x01 0x10 0x00
where the first number indicates a command sent (0x01), the second number (0x01) and third number (0x10) is the command opcode and fourth indicates parameter length
Incoming Hex dump: 0x04 0x0e 0x0c ......
where the first number (0x04) indicates an event received, the second number (0x0e) indicates the type of event, and the rest of the numbers is the event.
It is not necessary to download the service pack to verify UART communication with the example above.
Device Initialization Procedure[edit]
The service pack (SP) download procedure:
- Is done right after device power-up sequence.
- Must be done after every power cycle.
- Is done before any BT RF testing.
- Must be done before any BT operations such as Inquiry, Page or connections
Figure: Device Initialization Sequence
Basic BT Operations[edit]
- Service pack must have been loaded.
- Examples of basic BT operations:
- Inquiry: The CC256x device is looking for other BT devices that are nearby.
- Inquiry Scan: The CC256x device is visible but not connectable (it has discoverable MAC address).
- Page Scan: The CC256x device is connectable but not visible (can accept connections).
Figure: Example of Bluetooth Inquiry Operation
BT RF FCC Modes[edit]
The Bluetooth RF FCC modes are connection-less RF spectrum tests which uses a spectrum analyzer for verification.
Note: The CC256x device must be power cycled when switched between different FCC modes. Please also note that the initscript must be downloaded to the CC256x device after each power cycle before performing the next test.
Continuous TX[edit]
This is a non-packet continuous transmission with either CW(Continuous Wave), GFSK (BR), π/4-DQPSK (2-EDR) or 8DPSK (3-EDR).
The HCI commands to put the device in the constant TX mode (after service pack has been loaded) are:
HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_TX 0xFD84, 0x1, 0, 0, 15, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 HCI_VS_Write_Hardware_Register 0xFF01, 0x0019180c, 0x0101 HCI_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration 0xFD80, 0xFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x01
The parameters for the HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_TX can be found here.
Note: The second and third commands are for internal settings (HCI_VS_Write_Hardware_Register and HCI_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration ). The HCI_VS_Write_Hardware_Register 0xFF01, 0x0019180c, 0x0101 command is only required for the continuous TX test of modulated (GFSK, π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK) signal. This command should be skipped when performing continuous TX test for CW.
Figure: Typical test setup for Continuous TX mode.
Note: It is recommended to use the HCITester tool on the PC to send the HCI commands to the CC256x device. The HCITester can be downloaded as part of the Wireless Tools package.
Packet TX/RX[edit]
To enable the continuous packet transmission/receive the following command needs to be sent after the loading of the service pack:
HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Packet_TX_RX 0xFD85, 0x03, 0, 0xFF, 0, 2, 0, 27, 15, 1, 0x01FF
The parameters for the HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Packet_TX_RX can be found here.
Note: By default, the device uses all the 79 channels in frequency hopping mode. To reduce the number of channels, the following commands should be executed prior to HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Packet_TX_RX.
- Enable Local AFH Assessment
HCI_Write_AFH_Channel_Assessment_Mode 0x1
- Enable Local AFH Assessment
- Classify Channels to Reduce Hopping Scheme
- Classify Channels to Reduce Hopping Scheme
- Bad Channel = 1, Unknown Channel = 0
- <ChannelMap> = B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9
- Bx = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- Chx = bx
- Freq = 2402 + Chx
- e.g. <ChannelMap> = '000000E0FFFF01000000', Blocked Channels = 0 - 28 and 49 - 78, Used Frequencies = 2,431MHz - 2,450MHz
- Bad Channel = 1, Unknown Channel = 0
HCI_Set_AFH_Host_Channel_Classification <ChannelMap>
Figure: Typical test setup for Continuous TX mode
Continuous RX[edit]
To turn on the receiver portion of the chip the following command needs to be sent after the loading of the service pack:
HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_RX 0xFD17, 0, 0x00
The parameters for the HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_RX are:
- Op code (0xFD17)
- Frequency index (0-39: f=2402+(2*i)MHz, 40-78: f=2403+2(i-40)MHz)
- Internal setting (0x00)
The setup would be the same as for Continuous TX
BT RF SIG Mode[edit]
The BT RF SIG mode is meant for connecting with a Bluetooth tester where the CC256x is controlled over the LMP (Link Management Protocol). The procedure for enabling the CC256x for BT SIG mode is:
- Proper device power-up
- Load the correct service pack
- Load the DUT script (three HCI commands)
Once the device (DUT) is in test mode, the BT tester will, through the RF connection (LMP), take control of the DUT.
Figure: CC256x Bluetooth RF SIG mode test setup
The HCI commands to put the device in test RF SIG mode are:
HCI_Set_Event_Filter 0x02, 0x00, 0x03 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable 0x03 HCI_Enable_Device_Under_Test_Mode
This script will make the device visible and connectable (HCI_Set_Event_Filter ), auto-accept all connections (HCI_Write_Scan_Enable ) and put the DUT in test mode (HCI_Enable_Device_Under_Test_Mode). Once the proper sequence has been completed (first loading the BT service pack and then the DUT script), then the BT tester will take control of the device through the RF link (LMP).
Production Line Test (PLT)[edit]
See CC256x Production Line Testing Guide.
BLE Testing[edit]
This section provides information on how to configure the CC2564 device for the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) SIG RF PHY Testing.
The DUT is the CC2564 dual-mode Bluetooth device (possibly interfaced with host MPU/CPU). The Upper Tester is the PC which communicates with the DUT by sending HCI commands using UART 8-N-1 serial protocol. The DUT is also connected to the lower tester which is the Bluetooth tester (such as CBT Tester) via a U.FL/SMA connector.
Transmitter Test[edit]
The Bluetooth device will transmit to the Bluetooth tester which will analyze the power spectrum of the received data.
1. Initialize CC2564 device
Load Core BT Service Pack (BT SP)to the CC2564 device
2. Enable BLE mode
Note: If the CC256x Service Pack (SP) version contains a BLE add-on SP, then the HCI_VS_LE_Enable 0xFD5B command is embedded inside the BLE add-on SP and must not be sent again.
- If the CC256x Service Pack (SP) version contains a BLE add-on SP:
Load BLE Add-On SP
- Otherwise,
Execute the ''HCI_VS_LE_Enable 0xFD5B, 1, 1'' command
3. Set the BLE Test Parameters
Note: Power Level 1 is used for BLE. For more information on this command, refer to the CC256x_VS_HCI_Commands wiki
HCI_VS_Set_LE_Test_Mode_Parameters 0xFD77, 0x01, 0x0, Packets to transmit, Access Code, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00000000
Command Parameter Size (bytes) Value Description Packets to transmit 2 0x0000
N- Unlimited - Continuous TX
- N number of packets to transmit [1]
Access code 4 0xXXXXXXXX - An access code to sync and transmit
Default = 0x71764129 (TestMode AC)
- Unlimited - Continuous TX
4. Start TX test [1]
HCI_BLE_Transmitter_Test 0x201E, TX_Channel , Data_Length, Payload_Type
Command Parameter Size (bytes) Value Description TX_Channel 1 0 - 39 - TX Frequency: 2402 + 2*k,
where k is the channel (max val is 39)
Data_Length 1 0 - 37 (0x025) - Packet payload length up to 37 (0x25) bytes
Payload_Type 1 0 - 7 - 0 - PRBS9
- 1 - FOFO
- 2 - ZOZO
- 3 - PRBS15
- 4 - All Ones
- 5 - All Zeros
- 6 - OFOF
- 7 - OZOZ
- TX Frequency: 2402 + 2*k,
5. Take measurements
Look at the Bluetooth tester results.
6. End BLE TX Test
HCI_BLE_Test_End 0x201F
Note: To re-start transmission, go back to steps 3 (optional) and 4.
Receiver Test[edit]
The Bluetooth device will receive data from CBT and PC will calculate PER and BER from received data.
1. Enable BLE mode:
HCI_VS_LE_Enable 0xFD5B, 1, 1
2. Set the type of test to run
PER_nBER = 1 (PER=1 or BER=0)
3. Set here the number of packets the tester transmits for PER measurements
Tx_Packets = 1500
4. Set RX Frequency Channel 2402 + 2*k, where k is the channel (max val is 39)
RX_Channel = 0 (same as k)
5. Set the RX Mode According to the options below (Default is "1"):
# 0 - Normal mode, Open loop & no power saving
# 1 - Wide window mode, Close loop & no power saving
# 2 - Continuous RX, Open loop before SYNC
# 3 - Wide window & power saving mode, Close loop & power saving
RX_Mode = 1
6.Set the RX Access Code to Sync on (Default is 0x71764129)
RX_AC = 0x71764129
7. Set paylaod type
# 0 - PRBS 9
# 1 - FOFO
# 2 - ZOZO
# 3 - PRBS 15
# 4 - All Ones
# 5 - All Zeros
# 6 - OFOF
# 7 - OZOZ
PayloadType = 0x00
8. Set length of packet fields in Bytes
Header_Length = 2 Payload_Length = 37 CRC_Length = 3
9.Set CRC for PRBS9 with 37 Bytes length
CRC_Value = 0x00E221E8
10. When traces are enabled than the Cortex is not able receive the next packet
En_Traces = 0
11. Set the amount of bad bits/packet to identify FA (in percent) and set Enable_BER
FA_THR_inPer = 7 Total_Bits_in_packet = 8 * (Header_Length + Payload_Length + CRC_Length) FA_THR_inBits = round((FA_THR_inPer/100) * Total_Bits_in_packet) if (PER_nBER == 1) then Enable_BER = 0 else Enable_BER = 1 endif
12. Clear Sync Counter
HCI_VS_Write_Hardware_Register 0xFF01, 0x0019324E, 0x0 Outgoing Dump: 01 01 ff 06 4e 32 19 00 00 00 Incoming Event: 04 0e 04 01 01 ff 00 (Command Complete Event)
13. Update Parameters
HCI_VS_Set_LE_Test_Mode_Parameters 0xFD77, 0x01, RX_Mode, 0, RX_AC, Enable_BER, PayloadType, Payload_Length, FA_THR_inBits, En_Traces, CRC_Value
HCI_VS_Set_LE_Test_Mode_Parameters 0xFD77, 0x01, x01, 0x0000, 0x71764129(RX_AC), 0x00(Enable_BER), 0x00(PayloadType), 0x25(Payload_Length), 0x18(FA_THR_inBits), 0x00(En_Traces), 0x00E221E8 (CRC)
14. Start RX Scan
HCI_BLE_Receiver_Test 0x201d, RX_Channel
Pause here and send data packets from the CBT Tester. Continue with scripts after sending all the packets.
15. If testing for PER:
if (PER_nBER == 1) then HCI_BLE_Test_End 0x201f
Returns number of packets recieved, save into &Rx_Packets.
16. Read Phy - Sync Counter Value
HCI_VS_Read_Hardware_Register 0xFF00, 0x0019324E Outgoing Dump: 01 00 ff 04 4e 32 19 00 Incoming Event: 04 0e 06 01 00 ff 00 0a 00 (Command Complete Event, Value: 0x000A)
Returns Sync Counter Value, save into &Sync_Counter.
17. Calculate PER = 100*(Tx_Packets - Rx_Packets)/Tx_Packets
18. For BER:
else HCI_BLE_Test_End 0x201f
Returns number of packets recieved, save into &Rx_Packets.
19.Read BER Results
Hci_VS_LE_Read_Ber_Test_Results 0xFDAE
Vendor-Specific LE_Read_Ber_Test_Results Command Complete parameters:
See in wiki.
20. Read Phy - Sync Counter Value
HCI_VS_Read_Hardware_Register 0xFF00, 0x0019324E Outgoing Dump: 01 00 ff 04 4e 32 19 00 Incoming Event: 04 0e 06 01 00 ff 00 0a 00 (Command Complete Event, Value: 0x000A)
Returns Sync Counter Value, save into &Sync_Counter.
21. Calculate Actual Syncs
Actual_Syncs = BER_Syncs - FA_Events
22. Calculate BER:
# Bit Counters Total_Bad_Bits = Htype_Bad_Bits + Hlength_Bad_Bits + Ppart1_Bad_Bits + Ppart2_Bad_Bits + Ppart3_Bad_Bits + Ppart4_Bad_Bits + CRC_Bad_Bits Dropped_Packets = Actual_Syncs - Total_Good_Packets Detected_Packets = Actual_Syncs Total_Received_Bits = Total_Bits_in_packet * Detected_Packets if(Total_Received_Bits == 0) then BER = 100 else BER = 100*(Total_Bad_Bits / Total_Received_Bits) endif
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