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C5000 Medical Development Kits
Effective immediately, The Medical Development Kits have been discontinued. Any software is shared as-is. The information on this page may be out-dated but retained to archive it for old-users.
The portable medical applications market is growing rapidly and companies with limited teams and expertise need to enter quickly to meet consumers’ growing need for devices that are more portable, consume less power and provide more sophistication, all at a lower cost. To answer these needs, TI has launched a set of medical application development tools with complete signal chain designs and software for electrocardiograms, digital stethoscopes, and pulse oximeter products. Each of the three medical development kits (MDKs) is comprised by purchasing an analog front-end (AFE) module with specific circuitry design optimized for each end product plus a TMS320C5515 DSP Evaluation Module (EVM). With hardware and software design information, including schematics, application source code, medical-specific algorithms and technical documents, each MDK decreases the development time for customers by six to eight months. In addition, MDKs provide a great evaluation platform to help medical device manufacturers focus on product differentiation, like algorithm development and feature enhancement. They also lower the barrier for novice developers who want to enter the medical industry quickly.
Ordering Information[edit]
ECG Front End Module:
- Discontinued*** The electrocardiogram (ECG) analog front-end
module (part number TMDXMDKEK1258) is available and priced at U.S. $449.00. [Order]
The ADS1298 ECG Front End Performance Demonstration Kit (part number ADS1298ECGFE-PDK) is available at U.S. $199 [Order]
Digital Stethoscope Front End Module:
- Discontinued*** The digital stethoscope (DS) analog front-end
module (part number TMDXMDKDS3254) is available and is priced at U.S. $375.00. [Order]
Pulse Oximeter Front End Module
- Discontinued*** The pulse oximeter (PO) analog front-end
module (part number TMDXMDKPO8328) is available and priced at U.S. $395.00. [Order]
C5515 EVM
The TMS320C55015 DSP evaluation module
(part number TMDXEVM5515) is available and
priced at U.S. $395.00. [Order]
Key Benefits[edit]
- Extended battery life based on low power components
• TI’s latest low-power DSP TMS320C5515
• Low-power audio codecs, A/D, D/A andother analog parts
- Increased user functionality
• Real-time medical information display and menu option on LCD screen and PC monitor
• Audio recording and playback
• Faster data transfer using high-speed USB 2.0 port
• Alert indication and more connectivity options
- Smarter and greener platform with FFT hardware accelerator for high-end portable medical devices
System Block Diagram[edit]
Below is a system block diagram of the three medical development kits. Through standard connector interfaces, users can get the most fl exibility of mix-and-match analog front-end modules with multiple TI processor platforms, maximizing their return on investment. Moreover, by choosing low-power IC components, MDK designs offer longer battery life to enable more portability in the end products.
- Display waveform and other indications on PC monitor
- Playback and record signals
- Store data on PC
- User friendly GUI
- Power switch for hard reset
- Scalable software implementation based on user needs
- UART port to connect to PC for data downloading
ECG system solution features[edit]
• 12-lead ECG output using 10-electrode input
• Bandwidth – 0.05 Hz to 150 Hz
• Leads-off detection
• Real-time ECG waveform display on LCD
• ECG waveform display on PC
• Defi brillator protection
• Heart-beat rate display
• 4-KV isolation (required only when operating on AC power)
• 10 μA leakage current
• Display waveform and other indications on LCD display unit
Digital stethoscope system solution features[edit]
• Display of heart-beat rate
• Audio output in three selectable modes: > Bell mode (20 Hz to 220 Hz) > Diaphragm mode (50 Hz to 600 Hz) > Extended range (20 Hz to 2000 Hz)
• Volume control and mute
• Noise-reduction filters
• Headphone / speaker output
Pulse oximeter system solution features[edit]
• Digital display of oxygen level percentage ranging from 0 to 100 percent
• Pulse range 20 to 300 beats per minute (BPM) (heart rate value in full range)
• Perfusion index check
• Sensor-off detection
• Display waveform and other indications on LCD display unit
1) How do I get the MDK Analog Front End Module to mate with the C5515 EVM? Click here
2) How do I get my MDK Application to compile successfully with CCSv4?
Click here
3) How do I get my C5515 EVM + MDK Analog Front End programmed for Stand Alone Mode?
Click here
4) How do I get started with the Pulse Ox MDK?
Click here
5) Which Pulse Oximeter finger sensor is required to get the demo application to work?
Click here